Is it quite common to ban accounts?
I've seen common things enforced such as maximum stakes on certain sports where people have an affiliation...e.g. if they are a trainer of a horse for example. Typical 'pushbacks' scenarios such as card counting etc are very difficult to do online, and also easily caught so I can imagine it's possible, but to say it's common for a 'winning' streak is just baseless.
Not aware of anyone in this sector who bans players for getting on a winning streak, the usual run is to limit their bonuses but let them play knowing the odds eventually fall in the house's favour.
Plenty of people have been banned because of their winnings, it actually happened to me years ago. I remember watching a documentary about how bookies operate, there was one guy that was winning loads of golf and another on rugby - both had no issues when on a losing streak but as soon as they started getting into the black by thousands, the bookies closed their accounts after a 'business review'.