Better session drink?

Why you need to know, you buying crates for a party or something?

I believe Becks, Stella and Bud are all the same strength now, so they may taste more similar. Historically I found in terms of strength of flavour Becks (original) > Stella > Bud > Becks (vier). I'd actually advise Stella because it's a nice balance between flavour and ability to sesh on it. Ignore the snobs and real ale crusaders, Stella is actually a half decent lager (and I drink more ale than lager).
If these are your options for buying drink for the sake of a voucher for a few quid off, I'd sooner do without any of them.

But, if I had to pick one, Becks. Or if it is for a group of people, Bud.
As said above, Bud is such a plain beer, that suits a wider group (of tasteless people.)
Becks, I find to be an alright beer, but by no means is it anywhere near my first choice.
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If it's camping then I am assuming that the beers will be warm?

If so, then get something different like the G&T idea (Pre-mix it at home in a bottle if you can't be bothered to make it whilst there) :D
Otherwise: Becks.
Beers wouldn't be ice cold, but they wouldn't be warm. I've ordered Bulmers original, Bulmers cherry and 20 Becks now. Cheers for the suggestions though. Thought Stella gave a massive hangover when you drink a tonne of it?
Stella gives me a massive hangover when I only have 1 or 2! But my mate loves it and doesn't suffer so your mileage may vary
None of those are good warm....

Personally I can drink stella all day long but that is down to finding it the least sweet and least likely to be off.

If you're camping don't take any sweet drinks, last place you want to be sick/feeling sick is in a tent!

Isn't the OP about 18 as well?
I mean you're new to is drinking thing :p

Should just drink anything and see what happens, plenty of time to get a taste for e sensible stuff.

Oh and under 18 is illegal to purchase not drink ;) (well in private anyway)
sam migule fresca and mixed berries bulmers = night sorted... nice light lager and abit cider for a change in taste!.. great for the sun!
I haven't purchased anything, my mate is over 18 and he does it online for us all - Don't have to hang outside asda like a chav then :D
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