BF Hardline Visceral Games

I think it may be open now? I singed up for a PC and PS4 code and got it for PS4 yesterday. Went into origin there and it gave me the option to dl for PC also (without getting a PC code). May want to check it guys :)
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I think it may be open now? I singed up for a PC and PS4 code and got it for PS4 yesterday. Went into origin there and it gave me the option to dl for PC also (without getting a PC code). May want to check it guys :)

Ah that explains why its just appeared in my origin without a email then :o
Might give this another go, but the comments aboce echo my thoughts about the gameplay. BF4 is just better in every way.
After a few more games of this I feel it has potential. Some of the weapons make absolutely no sense though in their current forms, with the shotguns being very lack luster on the level provided due to barely any of it being close enough for them to be effective. The zipline is a nice touch, especially when combined with the level design, such as getting a helicopter to drop you on the roof of a building, zipline down to the crane with the sniper camping on it to get a cheap knife kill. The muscle cars feel a bit out of place and every time I've got in one, I've lasted literally seconds before dying, regardless of what I try. The minigun on the helicopter needs a serious boost in antivehicle damage versus the armoured truck as well, as I was pummelling one for an entire minute and it got away lol. The minigun also needs to be able to aim slightly higher than it can at the moment, as a rival chopper against you has a distinct advantage if they are literally 10 feet higher as you can't shoot them as a passenger at all.

The weapon damage on people seems all over the place. Accuracy is good, yet I counted 9 shots with the G36 earlier to kill a guy at around 80 metres. He was stationary, prone and didn't see me or respond to being hit, so not sure if it was literally just lag (although my ping was 14ms) or poor game design.
Doesn't seem too bad but its nothing special. It feels like ive already played something similar to it and doesn't really stand out tbh.

exactly, after one hour, removed it. Dice need to go back to their road map of 4-6 years between each BF series.
Played for around an hour but could tell from the start I wasn't going to like it. Just felt old, generic, boring and uninspired......and that's all good stuff :D
Applied yesterday and didn't get in, re-applied today and it appeared in Origin, played for 10 minutes and uninstalled. I'd possibly buy it as DLC but no way will I ever stump up full price. It doesn't even have the feel of the genre it's supposed to be, the BF series felt military, this really does just feel like military with a few new skins thrown on top and as for the Mantle performance, I know it's a beta but still, it halved my framerate!
Because hardline is lowering the threshold even further making it noob friendly.

Self Revives just say it all about the state of the BF franchise that the "Youtubers" want it to go. :rolleyes:

The self revive thing is one of those, ideas that at first seems like a good/possibly fun idea but in practice it just doesn't work.
Look at cod4, the last stand perk seemed like a fun idea but in practice was nothing but a menace.
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