bf2 patch v1.12 - v1.2, get it here!!!!!!

Eliot said:
right aa is too good, flares odnt even work anymore
l96 is ridiculusly good,
no jumping and shotting sucks, it renders knifing impossible
other than that, great

IMO jumping + shooting should still be possible, but just with greatly reduced accuracy. You can't even throw med packs while jumping now ffs!

Helis are far too crap now, just been on a couple of servers and they were just left at the spawn points because no-one could be bothered to take off and be instantly shot down.
This patch sucks. EVERY server I've been on is jumpy as ****. I've been on servers with pings of 20 and myself having a ping of 19 and I JUMP everywhere. Now it did not do this before the patch, so why now?

I had fairly low fps in SF flying the helis but now it's even worse. At one point I was attempting to fly an apache at <14fps with a constant missile lock :( I get decent fps in normal BF2 on the same settings on larger maps so I don't know wtf is going on there, just rather annoyed about it. I don't know whether to look forward to 1.3 in the hope they'll fix something, or worry about what they're going to ruin next.
The menu's are just as unstable as before..great!

I've only fired BF2 up once with the new patch, pressed ESC mid game, went to BFHQ and it promptly crashed on me, just like before..
Oh Sir?, Sir? are you getting in that plane, im sorry but it has this problem, you fly, you die. Thats mainly because the flares actually do nothing. at all. Say goobye to the air battle
when they made this patch did none of them ever think, oh look planes are unusable, i mena come on did they even test it?
just downloaded, started at 5mb a second, then slowly to 3, then about 240 ish and 130 right at the end...

I'm on a 1mb cable line :S
looks like the new army will only be available with the new booster pack, with the new maps aswell though.
anyone unlocked the p90 yet? i was a bit put off its classed as low accuracy and low damage though :( and anyone took the plunge for the new sniper rifle?
yea the new sniper does what it say in its stats its more accurat but does not do as much damage as the old one which has been boosted damage wise it took abit of getting ust to the new sniper but when you do you can get some nice distance kills now without just unloding 5 shots etc...
Robert said:
This patch sucks. EVERY server I've been on is jumpy as ****. I've been on servers with pings of 20 and myself having a ping of 19 and I JUMP everywhere. Now it did not do this before the patch, so why now?


Stick with it, dont get frustraited at the patch because of laggy servers, take the time to get a decent server and then test out the patch before you jumt to conclusions! ;)
Anyone know a little bit of modding, it would seem that all the weapons for EF are in the patch, there's also sounds for the soldiers/commander etc.
Phil99 said:
IMO jumping + shooting should still be possible, but just with greatly reduced accuracy. You can't even throw med packs while jumping now ffs!

Yeah, jump throwing medipacks used to be handy, I would do it to get a medipack up to a sniper or over a wall to an injured soldier, would it of been so hard for them to have exclude the medipack and support packs from the jump throw ban :confused:

You can still jump and throw grenades though, you just got to press throw to pull the pin before you jump. The new ranks look a bit crap suppose they ran out of ideas for badges, does anyone know if there have been anymore unlocks added as you go higher up the ranks, i remember someone saying once you get over 10,000 points that theres no more unlocks available, that would just make me start all over again, Im actually thinking about doing that already then I can try some different guns this time round..
well i got 20,000 recently and i got 2 unlocks then iirc.
ive got 2 to use now, im gutted that the p90 looks so cruddy on paper.
damage is low and so is accuracy :(
fullfat said:
well i got 20,000 recently and i got 2 unlocks then iirc.
ive got 2 to use now, im gutted that the p90 looks so cruddy on paper.
damage is low and so is accuracy :(

Yeah I was thinking whats the point of that gun??, damage med/low, accuracy,med/low, I mean the standard sub machine gun for A.T is pretty crap anyway, and this one looks poor aswell I think the accuracy has been improved in 1.2 though..

I want the 3rd sniper unlock but dont want to waste an unlock on the second gun to make it bexcome available :(
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Nieldo said:
Stick with it, dont get frustraited at the patch because of laggy servers, take the time to get a decent server and then test out the patch before you jumt to conclusions! ;)

This is based on servers with a good ping. This is why I sort my BF2 server list by ping order...lowest first obviously.

Edit: Just been on my clan's server. The server has a ping of 40 and I have a ping of 17...yet it still judders (lag).
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