bf2 patch v1.12 - v1.2, get it here!!!!!!

turtle3 said:
so we get the new army and guns with this patch, so what to we get when we buy the booster pack for £5.99??
Where do u see the name for Euro army?

I was killed by a plane while defending the central flag ( and getting my basic AA badge) about 10 times by a plane before I thought it was a miracle when I killed the plane with stinger. It took 4 shots, and the pilot must have lost concentration since he stayed within range while I reloaded. I also killed a chopper whilst in a tank as it was spinning up on top of the TV station on Shariq, very satisfying 2 kill. I tried a plane myself after using it in single player and getting a few dive bomb kills. I got to 0 kills 9 deaths before I gave up, it was mainly another jet killing me though.
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