bf2142 release in approx:

If it is true then it would be extremely rushed and seeing though they havent even got BF2 working properly yet :rolleyes: I doubt it will be a finished product, released or not.
The bets is out tomorrow too apparently, so i take it its nea finalising. Will just be as buggy as bf2 though.

I'll get it, the gameplay and such makes my mouth drop atm.
I cannot help but think EA are milking battlefield for everything it is worth with all these expansions commig out so quicky i cannot even name them all, it is on par with The Sims. But I am still looking forward to it a lot. Can't wait for BF2 but SciFi!!
Ill get it as soon as its out, play it while its fun, then as soon a they patch ill never play again. :rolleyes:
A friend of mine has the Beta version atm. So far he's had 5 minutes game play out of it and he's had it for weeks.

Guess what the problem is...

CTD's :rolleyes:
sure thats why is was closed beta first? :P

They fix some issues, release for open beta, fix some more, then release...

beta testing woop
Does it need to be complete for EA to release it? I mean they'll just release the bits they aint completed in an add on to buy like armoured fury and euro forces. Since 2142 lacks any North American army im betting it will be one of the first expansions.
The main reason they can release it so fast is it uses a tweaked bf2 engine, so all the hard work is done also the reason they releasing a beta soon is to try and sort the problems that plagued bf2, same reason they doing it with the 1.4 patch atm.
iamgud said:
I cannot help but think EA are milking battlefield for everything it is worth with all these expansions commig out so quicky i cannot even name them all, it is on par with The Sims. But I am still looking forward to it a lot. Can't wait for BF2 but SciFi!!

Can't wait until they've released a "new hat for spec ops class!" expansion for £3 or something. Someone needs to find a picture of a farmer milking a cow, and photoshop the cow to look like it belongs in BF2 and stick an EA logo on the farmer's coat.

The sad thing is, BF2 (and I expect 2142) is a great game. It's just the stupid bugs and the dumb changes drive everyone even more wild than normal BECAUSE the game is awesome otherwise! :mad:
Yes be thankful for the beta, i think almost all online games should go thru a closed/open beta process as this cuts down on the amount of bugs found on a release date, of course thats if they ppl testing them find the bugs and if the coders actually listen to the public.
Tried&Tested said:
deko said:
rather reminiscent of "OOH my daddy works for rockstar and he has ps3 and gta4 like lawl"

i highly doubt it.

Why? Do you honestly think I'd lie about something like that? ***** sake grow up.

He is a server owner so he got onto the Beta testing list.

I won't bother saying anymore as you don't seem to think I'm telling the truth. *******.
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