bf2142 release in approx:

Touchy. :/

Its a forum people don't believe things without hard evidence, surely you should reliase this? I'm not holding my breath on this 53 days untill release tbh...
ScarySquirrel said:
Im with Siders77 on this one. Have you guys never heard of closed beta's? He clearly isn't bragging he is just giving us some info.

When is open beta out?

Tomorrow, the 8th. Thats the news on the block ;)
ScarySquirrel said:
Im with Siders77 on this one. Have you guys never heard of closed beta's? He clearly isn't bragging he is just giving us some info.

When is open beta out?

Er, what info..some vague, ridiculous comment about the guy only being able to play it for 5mins in the weeks he's had it?

Sounded more like he was jumping on the 'HateEA' bandwagon to me. Gets VERY boring.
Psypher5 said:
Touchy. :/

No, I was just annoyed that people think I'd lie about someone owning a PC game on a forum.

Why should it not be released? EA have messed up the 2142 beta with the exact same problem that BF2 has. It's not really a secret.

Anyway, I don't think 2142 will take over BF2. I know I won't be buying 2142 until they fix BF2.

EDIT: @ Tried&Tested ok I lied. My firend doesn't really have the game, I was trying to make my E-Penis look bigger. That clearly didn't work Mr. Detective. :rolleyes:

EDIT 2: I didn't mean he's only been able to play it 5 minutes since he's had it, I meant that he's only been able to play for about 5 mins each time before it CTD's. Didn't word it right, it seems.
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Semiskimmed said:
so will this be an open beta for everyone to try then this time? or will mortals just have to wait for a demo?

It will be a fully open beta for everyone in the world and his dog. afaik
I have many doubts about this game, after getting screwed over with all the bugs in BF2, but open beta is nice, hopefully it will sway me onto EA/Dice's good side because I really love the battlefield series.
iamgud said:
I cannot help but think EA are milking battlefield for everything it is worth with all these expansions commig out so quicky i cannot even name them all, it is on par with The Sims. But I am still looking forward to it a lot. Can't wait for BF2 but SciFi!!

Totally agree :)

As far as im aware the open beta will have a limited amount a vid i seen with an ea rep said its in the region of 10k-50k players. You also have to be a bf2 players to get into the beta so its possible invites will be issued to participate in it.

The vid here talks about bf2 "fixes" (lmao) and talks a bit about the 2142 beta.

Gonna be really fun if 2142 has the same retarded infantry tactics with every tool proning as muich as possible. :rolleyes:

Just checked the vid, around 4.40 he says 10k-50k players and you have to be a bf2 player.
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Gerard said:
As far as im aware the open beta will have a limited amount a vid i seen with an ea rep said its in the region of 10k-50k players. You also have to be a bf2 players to get into the beta so its possible invites will be issued to participate in it.

The vid here talks about bf2 "fixes" (lmao) and talks a bit about the 2142 beta.

Gonna be really fun if 2142 has the same retarded infantry tactics with every tool proning as muich as possible. :rolleyes:

Just checked the vid, around 4.40 he says 10k-50k players and you have to be a bf2 player.

I thought that was reffered to the closed beta somewhat, hope get a chance to play it now! :(
No i think its actaully 10k for ppl who are specificaly chosen to leave feedback in the beta forum, much like a closed beta but it will be open to all not limited to a certain amount of ppl as that would kind of defeat the purpose of an 'open beta'
Well they said early august, here we are in early august and still nothing, no news of when the beta is going to commence or anything.

Anyone willing to bet the beta got delayed, wouldn't be ea without a delay or 5. :rolleyes:
Tried&Tested said:
Er, what info..some vague, ridiculous comment about the guy only being able to play it for 5mins in the weeks he's had it?

Sounded more like he was jumping on the 'HateEA' bandwagon to me. Gets VERY boring.

Yeah I agree, i meant the bit about saying he was lying, but it doesn't matter, not important :D

Anyway, where abouts is this info that the open beta is out tomorrow? Anyone got any links?
ScarySquirrel said:
Anyway, where abouts is this info that the open beta is out tomorrow? Anyone got any links?

Its just a rumour, people are speculating wednesday seing as the bf2 demo apparently came out on a wednesday (far as i remember it was on a friday).

No way it will be coming this week, EA will probably annouce it a week in advance of the invites being sent out.

I also find it amusing that eaplay have a release date for it, surely the point of this beta is to make changes to the game that people want, id say that release date is speculation at best even if it is from ea.
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