bf2142 release in approx:

Gerard said:
Its just a rumour, people are speculating wednesday seing as the bf2 demo apparently came out on a wednesday (far as i remember it was on a friday).

No way it will be coming this week, EA will probably annouce it a week in advance of the invites being sent out.

It was definately a friday because I remember being at the pub and getting a phone call from one of my clan mates telling me it was out........I went home!

Quite sad when you think about it :(
Nieldo said:
I have many doubts about this game, after getting screwed over with all the bugs in BF2,

Same here, when i first started playing bf2 i thought it was amazing, then as is usually the case with pc games people go out of their way to find crap to exploit to give them an edge in the game, and then a while after that the exploits basically become the way the game is played by most people and is no longer "frowned upon". Gotta love sheep is all i can say. :mad:
Arsey said:
If it is true then it would be extremely rushed and seeing though they havent even got BF2 working properly yet :rolleyes: I doubt it will be a finished product, released or not.

lol are any of EA's games ever actually finished when they release them BF1942, BF:Veitnam, BF2 etc all needed umpteen patches to fix bugs then patches to fix bugs the patches caused then patches to fix bugs the the other patch made when it was released to fix bugs then they released another pa..... and the games are still full of bugs.
Arsey said:
If it is true then it would be extremely rushed and seeing though they havent even got BF2 working properly yet :rolleyes: I doubt it will be a finished product, released or not.

Wouldn't exactly say it's been rushed. They started work on it as soon as BF2 was out the door, and they've only modifed the current engine rather than create a new one. So they had over a year, and they'll understand the mapping tools etc much better now.

ScarySquirrel said:
It was definately a friday because I remember being at the pub and getting a phone call from one of my clan mates telling me it was out........I went home!

Quite sad when you think about it :(

I actually stayed up all night for it on some teamspeak server that had been setup. It was totally packed but a great laugh. Finally I think it appeared around 1am/2am and while downloading others had already mananged to download on their super fast connections and were telling others what it was like etc.
Digital said:
Wouldn't exactly say it's been rushed. They started work on it as soon as BF2 was out the door, and they've only modifed the current engine rather than create a new one. So they had over a year, and they'll understand the mapping tools etc much better now.

I actually stayed up all night for it on some teamspeak server that had been setup. It was totally packed but a great laugh. Finally I think it appeared around 1am/2am and while downloading others had already mananged to download on their super fast connections and were telling others what it was like etc.

I was on something similar, there were about 1000 people on the TS server (only about 10 could speak though, the rest were muted) and they were chatting about it, and interviewing people. Was crazy watching the servers bandwidth usage in about an hour.
ScarySquirrel said:
I was on something similar, there were about 1000 people on the TS server (only about 10 could speak though, the rest were muted) and they were chatting about it, and interviewing people. Was crazy watching the servers bandwidth usage in about an hour.

Probably on the same server. :D
Spinal2k2 said:
lol are any of EA's games ever actually finished when they release them BF1942, BF:Veitnam, BF2 etc all needed umpteen patches to fix bugs then patches to fix bugs the patches caused then patches to fix bugs the the other patch made when it was released to fix bugs then they released another pa..... and the games are still full of bugs.
thats pretty true for just about most PC games, i mean, look at cod2, its still full of bugs and exploits, most games get patches to find stuff. the general public are a hell a lot better at finding stuff like that than a beta team.
this isn't something i wanted to hear...they've just killed my bf2 experience by releasing 1.3 to early and not attempting to fix theres a whole new game....ggrrrr
not happy
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