Well, no. Format C: is often the quickest way to resolve an issue (or at least rule out a software cause) rather than spend hours trying to work out what is going on, post on a forum for help and then ignore the advice of people that know better than you.
Keep on banging your head against the wall. I'm sure you'll find a solution eventually (which will be a software one almost certainly) and feel smug that you only spent a billion hours diagnosing and fixing it rather than an hour or so reinstalling windows.
Sorry, mate. 3 things
First: reinstalling Windows for me is not an hour. I've got multiboot PC with 8 OSes (yes, eight), and I've got 2 bootmenus (from MBR and EBR - old XP style and new Win 7 based, respectively). Coping with this is more than "one hour". And reinstalling all software I've got is next 2 days. And.. and... configuring all this stuff is next 2 days. For your information - there are people who don't have Win and few games on drive only. OK ?
Second: I'm in computer for 25+ yrs and my knowledge is really extensive. I'm troubleshooter as well and I resolve issues for others, OK ? So it's not simple ignoring "because ignoring" other's advice, but BASING on my knowledge & experience I know what's going on with such "advices" with LACK OF BACKGROUND what kind of hard- and software I've got. OK ?
Third: Summing this up. I repeat again. Reinstall is for some lamers who simply don't know what else to do (or what happened). I will NOT reinstall Windows if I don't know what happened with system. OK ?
I just wanted to save you reading such tyrades, but if you didn't want to listen... so read it now
So let me "banging my wall" as you said, but I kindly encourage you to READ what I WANT, before I really be mad, OK ?
All I want - is
to confirm, or deny: do people have such stutterings there, or not. With Kepler. That's all. Don't allow me to write with capitals (once again, unfortunately): I DON'T WANT ANY ADVICE. Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable, but read what I want
It's not an ignorance, but experience. If I wrote I've done everything it means I've done everything, including checking with other Windows instance (clean) and game itself, too. So I wouldn't write NO ADVICE PLEASE if I didn't check it before, OK ? But it was nothing like "format helps, if everything else fails", but I had to reinstall Windows instance due to [old, long story] on my RAID volume, so ocassionally I've checked BFBC2 installing from a scratch, too.
I play BFBC2 on a mobile kepler chip (GT 640LE, OC'd to 890 core 960 mem, at 65C max), works flawlessly. Only thing I noticed is that it works better with dx9 vs dx11 (change it in system.ini). Try that if you haven't yet.
OK, what means "better" ? Faster, or less stuttering ?
If first - it's not important as 660Ti is capable of 60+ FPS with DX11.
If the second - it means, you still have got stutters. But less
Would you be able to do GPU Mist chart, please ?
I dont have the same card but I had the same issues at the weekend
All I'm trying to ask is are you using Afterburner, if so try something else and see if that helps as your system is more then capable of running bc2
Also install Evilminds BFBC2 configurator and turn off HBAO / Bloom and Vsync off, could also try turning AA / AF off or lower to see if that helps
I run sometimes Afterburner, but it doesn't matter if it's enabled or disabled. Stutters anyway. Please, no advice, charts from other Kepler users might help
Believe me - I've spent hours (if not days) for changing many multiple sets of options, including SSAA tool which became obsolete with few newest drivers, or underclocking everything possible. Have I to list all of my actions I took to make you stop advicing ? :/ Thanks for help, but it's useless as no help will help, I'm afraid. I strongly suspect driver's lack of optimization for this game for Kepler (6xx and up) and nothing/no one (except nVidia) could change it. Sorry for me, and for nVidia