*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

Always the same problem with a kebab, the thought of it is better than what you get - unless you're steaming. The chippy & indian were both superb.
My favorite is south indian curry from market stall in Milton keynes. Its always worth it, feels healthier than local curry house that's covered in oil but who knows really.
My favorite is south indian curry from market stall in Milton keynes. Its always worth it, feels healthier than local curry house that's covered in oil but who knows really.
If i'm getting an indian takeout, health is the last thing on my mind :D However I had a chicken tikka balti saagwala on Sunday and was fantastic, weird as I generally dislike spinach any other time.
Well that weekly update from my bemoaning my absolute uselessness and assuring you all that from now i will be better and actually drop weight.

Today i was 100.3kg which is the first time i've tipped 100kg on the scales for ages. Am hoping that actually helps sort my head out. There's definitely a few contributing factors

1 - It's too easy to just go out and have a few drinks in the sun here. The fact they're cheap doesn't help
2 - My wife wants snacks in the house, because she has will power. However i will just demolish it regardless of whether i like it or not!
3 - Foot has flared up so barely any exercise has been done

As such i've got into a real habit of snacking ofter through the days, drinking and eating out consuming large amounts of calories a day. I'm then also not counting calories.

I think i need a real month of being super strict and cutting out anything unhealthy. Not because i think it's a long term tactic, but just to break current habits. Then re-introduce in moderation to get to where i was previously with not drinking midweek etc.

Might also start daily weigh ins. Again, i know they're not always accurate pictures, but just to re-enforce the accountability.
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Well that weekly update from my bemoaning my absolute uselessness and assuring you all that from now i will be better and actually drop weight.

Today i was 100.3kg which is the first time i've tipped 100kg on the scales for ages. Am hoping that actually helps sort my head out. There's definitely a few contributing factors

1 - It's too easy to just go out and have a few drinks in the sun here. The fact they're cheap doesn't help
2 - My wife wants snacks in the house, because she has will power. However i will just demolish it regardless of whether i like it or not!
3 - Foot has flared up so barely any exercise has been done

As such i've got into a real habit of snacking ofter through the days, drinking and eating out consuming large amounts of calories a day. I'm then also not counting calories.

I think i need a real month of being super strict and cutting out anything unhealthy. Not because i think it's a long term tactic, but just to break current habits. Then re-introduce in moderation to get to where i was previously with not drinking midweek etc.

Might also start daily weigh ins. Again, i know they're not always accurate pictures, but just to re-enforce the accountability.

You've had one heck of a journey with your relocation. Go easy on yourself, take a breath, allow yourself to enjoy your new found location (which sounds amazing!) and then establish a routine. You know what you need to do, you've written it in your post above, I've highlighted it for you.

Snacks aren't all bad, but looking at the calories on them and then logging them will help. Get some kitchen scales out, weigh the snacks out in a small bowl and then put the packet back in the cupboard. Taking the whole bag of nuts (or whatever) is super dangerous and I also would demolish the lot.

What are you tending to drink alcohol wise? Alcohol free beer isn't bad these days and is less than half the calories of that with alcohol in it. It's also quite good at slowing your overall rate of drinking down as I've found that without the "reward" of getting drunk, I'll go much easier on it. It's very refreshing on a sunny terrace. That's also translated to how I drink normal beer which is interesting. Alcohol free wine is terrible and best avoided in my experience!! White wine is quite calorie efficient, but easy to replace a whole meal's worth of calorie allowance with wine without thinking! A glass is fine, just log the calories!
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You've had one heck of a journey with your relocation. Go easy on yourself, take a breath, allow yourself to enjoy your new found location (which sounds amazing!) and then establish a routine. You know what you need to do, you've written it in your post above, I've highlighted it for you.

Snacks aren't all bad, but looking at the calories on them and then logging them will help. Get some kitchen scales out, weigh the snacks out in a small bowl and then put the packet back in the cupboard. Taking the whole bag of nuts (or whatever) is super dangerous and I also would demolish the lot.

What are you tending to drink alcohol wise? Alcohol free beer isn't bad these days and is less than half the calories of that with alcohol in it. It's also quite good at slowing your overall rate of drinking down as I've found that without the "reward" of getting drunk, I'll go much easier on it. It's very refreshing on a sunny terrace. That's also translated to how I drink normal beer which is interesting. Alcohol free wine is terrible and best avoided in my experience!! White wine is quite calorie efficient, but easy to replace a whole meal's worth of calorie allowance with wine without thinking! A glass is fine, just log the calories!

Yeah, i agree. Think that initial "period" should be over now though before things spiral too much. Especially with my foot issues that i'm sure aren't helped by increasing weight.

I tend to alternate between beer and red wine. Sometimes a Negroni which i realised is super high in calories for some reason! I do sometimes the Alcohol free beers, especially when i'm out driving. As you say they are better than they used to be, and i actually find when you're having them in the sun for refreshment they quench that thirst much better than trying to replace a beer on a Friday night sat on the sofa. Especially the Tostada version.

With snacks, i'm rubbish at nuts. I look at a "portion" and it never really feels worthwhile to even eat them! I have recently discovered butter flavoured crisps which are superb. Not sure on the health side of that though :p I'm generally not someone who needs "snacks", providing they're not in the house. If they are then i just need to eat them. Although, it also doesn't help that you get a bowl of corn snack things with a drink over here!
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it's riddiculous how many calories are in peanuts...I love salted peanuts and could eat share pack in one go...

plan was to weigh 220lbs by today morning...scale was 222.6...but after work - scales showed 220.6 , so can say 100kg!
lets see what they show in the morning.

cycling back home my sugars dropped big time..got anxious and could not shake it off with calm breating while cycling...

luckliy wife has sugar tablets at home so popped one, once through the door, then soup an drest of dinner.

out of intrestes have openned myfitnesspal app, to see what nutritients my dinner had and was surprised how low protein - no wonder i lose muscle with fat LOL

made a quick whey protein shake with double the amount for the day - farts incoming... - to be surprised i was still low...topped up with 5 lentil protein cakes from Kalo.

that brought me to 150g of protein today - still could use more...

need to find best low cal protein snack - thats not a bar.
love protein bar - Barbell brand and Grenade are so tasty...but also expensive...

any recommendations for protein booster are welcome :)
After 2 stone i am going to try maintenance as i have a bunch of things onpy problem is my bike has crack in carbon so gone back under warranty. Scary how many calories are in some things.
Had a huge blow out yesterday, which culminated in a take out chinese.
The body is a strange thing. I'm lighter this morning.

If you have a consistent-ish meal cycle, the timing that matters for weighing is the same time every week.

I have my ‘cheat meal’ (just a larger meal! - chicken burgers usually) on a Friday evening, after my evening swim, to mark the weekend.

My official weigh in time is Thursday morning, after my morning swim and after my daily poo ( :o ).

I do weigh myself several times a week (multiple times a day if I’m honest) and it’s just all over the place, but measuring the same time every week… you can see progress.
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@bastic - depends what you like to eat. Some of the best are Kvarg “yoghurts”. Not far off a protein shake in terms of calories and protein intake, but make things nice and varied. Fage 0% Greek yoghurt is also like magic and is a decent breakfast option with berries (although if you’re cycling you’ll need carbs). Otherwise you’re looking at roast chicken or Turkey breast.

Nuts are great, but so calorie dense that I don’t tend to use them for protein supplementation, more for their deliciousness.

There are a lot of products that “contain a source of protein” or are advertised as protein rich. Compared to a packet of crisps they probably are, but there are much better ways to get your protein intake up. You’re doing the right thing by checking the nutritional content carefully.
^ there has been an explosion of protein yogs in supermarkets recently… all brands getting in on the action… and they are mostly extremely delicious and filling. 20g of protein for 100-150kcals… bargain tbh.
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them Kvarqs ...im sick of them at the moment :cry:

but i've seen new flav blueberry muffin the other day...got one...and have to say its best taste so far!

so might stock up on those...

might try 0% greek with berries.
them Kvarqs ...im sick of them at the moment :cry:

but i've seen new flav blueberry muffin the other day...got one...and have to say its best taste so far!

so might stock up on those...

might try 0% greek with berries.

My god the Danone GetPro blueberry ones hurrrrrgnnnn!!! So ****ing good. Godlike!
Looks like like Danone has whole new range of getpro protein..

Quick Google shows vanilla yoghurt in Morrison is £1

Might pay them a visit tonight
My big issue with any low fat products is they'd substitute the fat for sugar, and more recently, and worse in my opinion are chemical sweeteners. These days I take full fat options but reduce calories by smaller portions, I don't eat a lot of sweet things but sometimes some chocolate but again just a few pieces at a time.

I audited a lot of metabolism studies back in the day and saw lots of strange results after test drugs had been processed by the liver. Probably why I'm less trusting than most of food companies ;)
need to find best low cal protein snack - thats not a bar.
I often have a few packs of beef jerky around for this exact reason. With that said, reading your post, you haven't mentioned meat, not sure if you're vegetarian. Apologies if you've said before and I forgot.
With a cycling trip tomorrow (winds allowing) I have upped my intake since Saturday. In fact, Saturday was A LOT of calories, as have the days since, so I was surprised to have only put 1lb on and I'm still 15st 5.5 this morning and with a lower BF% than I've seen for a while. Super happy.
I often have a few packs of beef jerky around for this exact reason. With that said, reading your post, you haven't mentioned meat, not sure if you're vegetarian. Apologies if you've said before and I forgot.
I love meat :D

but beef jerky is not my thing..even bought few packets online and those are now sitting in my work pedestal...

I've been in fish cakes and soup last 2 weeks - around 800cal combo a day

worked for me, had some carbs to offset bike and the gym.

boring but i don't mind and was 0 effort to make

need to go back to chicken breast with some beans or smth...maybe with wraps and pesto...
I often have a few packs of beef jerky around for this exact reason. With that said, reading your post, you haven't mentioned meat, not sure if you're vegetarian. Apologies if you've said before and I forgot.

I’ve definitely got a big bag of that in the cupboard. Might need to weigh out some portions!

Impossible to get sick of Kvarg!!

@bastic - brown rice and hot Nando’s sauce is a winner with chicken breast. The microwave sachets might cause some heads to wobble, but they’re the same price as buying it dry and you can prepare it and portion it much more easily.
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Looks like like Danone has whole new range of getpro protein..

Quick Google shows vanilla yoghurt in Morrison is £1

Might pay them a visit tonight

The best of the protein yogs, IMO are:

Plus the blueberry one I posted above. There’s enough of them to buy and try out :)

I think they are an essential purchase tbh. They have barely any sugar / kcals (usually half that found in a slice of bread) and are far more filling and satiating than, say, beef jerky - which I do also have a lot of as a snack but the yog hits that ‘post dinner’ spot very well. As always, moderation in everything.

It’s not just about choosing ‘ultra premium quality foods’ - you need to actually enjoy your diet as well. All things considered, I’m a convert.
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