*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

I'd honestly put the burned calories completely out of mind - let your bodyweight over a 3+ week period be your judge of output vs intake. Our bodies do work on a calories in vs calories out basis but not down to an individual workout, individual day and even an individual week - it's over a period of time

Yeah, already said i'm doing that mentally. Was just baffling the output from my garmin on a few particular days.
Yeah, already said i'm doing that mentally. Was just baffling the output from my garmin on a few particular days.
Glad the scales are moving in the right direction! I get big swings, but water weight will do that depending on salt load, fluid in your gut, ambient temperature etc.

It’s a long game of averages… which I’m going to have to play quite intensively in the spring :cry:

Bloody Apple Watch got me doing a workout last night to keep my activity rings going. It’s properly got under my skin, but has to be a good thing.
With the Superbowl last night, after a busy January inc my birthday and of course Xmas before that, I feel like I've got all the events out of the way and I have about 6 weeks to get my weight down before Mallorca... although the real target is the 312 in late April, so I guess I have 9 or 10 weeks to get it down. I was about 15st 10 yesterday morning, I would like to get to about 15st 2.
Second time on the scales this year and I was shocked. SHOCKED, I tell you. I was expecting to have lost about 5kg with having restarted Couch 2 5K but no, I’ve ADDED 5kg. Now up to 110kg. Still eating far too much. Bit of a wake up call.
My "love" reaction to your post is probably a bit unnecessary but it's nice to see someone else in a similar phase to me. Everyone else in here is too motivated/successful :p It's crazy how quickly it can jump up as i noticed a few weeks ago where i jumped up around 4kg in a couple weeks and was of the impression i'd been doing alright.

Luckily mine has started to come back down again and this morning i sat at 102kg. Did a 6.5hr bike ride yesterday. Ended up eating 300g of haribo because it's the cheapest source of carbs (80g per 100g) for being out on the bike without spending a fortune on specific nutrition, but i'm now thinking eating that many sweets probably has other negative impacts! Probably need some kind of mid ground and limiting sweets to ~100g and then adding extra carbs from drinks/gels.
First time posting, but wanted somewhere to keep track of my progress.

A little about me:

Just turned 44 and a full-time wheelchair user since a nasty crash in 2005. I battle with chronic pain and arthritis in my knees and hips.

I also have an inherited bleeding disorder, needing Factor treatment from 1982 (when literally every dose was tainted with either Hep-C or HIV).

I'm one of the "Lucky Ones" - I dodged the HIV bullet and cleared Hep-C around 1998, but not before the virus did untold damage to my system. I have non-alcoholic fatty liver syndrome and early cirrhosis, despite being tee-total for most of my life. I have severe PTSD and chronic migraines (likely from long-term opiate dependency), which can see me bedridden for days.

After the car crash I had multiple spinal surgeries, physio plans, hydrotherapy & rehab, desperately trying to return to work.

In 2015, my firm decided to call it a day and medically retire me. I haven't been able to work again.

In 2019 I cut all opiates except Tramadol, which I've been gradually reducing since October.

I'd always managed to stay relatively trim, especially as I can burn 8-10,000 calories a day from my chair, but since I turned 40, I've found it harder and harder to keep the weight off.

Last year's family holiday to Mallorca was the first time I'd not taken my wheelchair, but hired a mobility scooter instead. In every single photo I look enormous and genuinely "fat". At my heaviest, I was 115kg at 5'10.

I decided to make some changes to my diet - no more huge bowls of cereal, cut out the pastries/danishes. Smaller portions and only eating during daylight hours.

I lost a couple of kilos, which felt good, but I seriously struggled with hunger, particularly on days when I was more active in my wheelchair. I found it difficult to judge how many calories I needed, but staying within healthy boundaries.

In terms of what I'm able to do for exercise, I can walk very short distances. I try to go swimming, but the cold triggers muscle spasms and arthritis flare-ups.

I have to be really careful how much energy/pain levels I burn through.

Despite best intentions, my weight dropped to 107kg and stayed there.

On 21st January, I started Mounjaro injections, having spent months looking into whether it would fit my health and lifestyle (and clearing it with my specialists).

The immediate effect on my hunger/appetite was impressive.

By week 5, I was under 100kg for the first time in years.

I'm currently using Huel meal replacement shakes for breakfast and eating balanced, homemade meals for dinner (I cook a lot of Thai/Korean food, so Tom Yum soups & Bibimbap noodle bowls, heavy on veg & protein).

If I need to increase my calorie intake for using my chair, I'll grab a banana or a low sugar nut bar.

My second round of Mounjaro starts next week, with the increased dosage. I'm starting to feel more hunger at the end of the weekly dose, so I'm hopeful it'll stay effective.

Currently looking for gym with a heated pool, so I can increase my fitness without overdoing things.
In 2019 I cut all opiates except Tramadol, which I've been gradually reducing since October.

Great work all round really, but also great going on this specifically. Must've been tough after such a long time on it. My wife also didn't like the idea of being on it long term and came off it which was a lot of work as she's also in constant pain, so the decision to choose pain over the side effects is massive.

For me (and this seems insignificant to the above!) but yesterday i think i've either broken or badly bruised my toe from stubbing it on the kickboard on the island. Walking barefoot is ok, but any shoes are really aggravating it which is annoying. Need to try and be pretty careful with food now as i can't do my usual 5000kcal of exercise a week like usual so need to be more considered with food.
Great work all round really, but also great going on this specifically. Must've been tough after such a long time on it. My wife also didn't like the idea of being on it long term and came off it which was a lot of work as she's also in constant pain, so the decision to choose pain over the side effects is massive.

For me (and this seems insignificant to the above!) but yesterday i think i've either broken or badly bruised my toe from stubbing it on the kickboard on the island. Walking barefoot is ok, but any shoes are really aggravating it which is annoying. Need to try and be pretty careful with food now as i can't do my usual 5000kcal of exercise a week like usual so need to be more considered with food.
Thank you for your kind words...

My biggest issue after my car crash was my appetite; I was training (Muay Thai, Jujutsu) Mon-Fri, downhill mountain-biking on a Saturday and sailing competitively on the Sunday.

When I was first paralyzed, I still ate like I was burning 8-10k calories a day and I totally ballooned. I still have trouble managing "good" sources of calories for using my chair.

I've been using Huel meal replacement shakes whilst I figure out what I'm doing fitness-wise. Just subscribed to yFood as it's 40% cheaper and their shakes are higher in protein (36g, over Huel's 20G).

Will see how it goes..
Down to 98.0kg as of this morning.
My Mounjaro dose goes up today - 5mg.

I was initially concerned as the price increases with the dosing (£120/4 weeks to start, £149-189/4 weeks for the step-up doses 5mg - 10mg, then £199/4 weeks for the maintenance doses of 12.5mg & 15mg), but my Starling account has shown we haven't ordered a takeaway or drive-thru since before Christmas.

We'd easily spend more than £300 a month on takeout & eating out before starting the treatment, so we're effectively saving money.

Feeling positive; pleased with the progress (and not spending so much on junk!)
Nothing had really moved for the last 10 days then a sudden 2lb drop this morning which is pretty normal from when I've lost weight in the past, just need to keep to the plan while my body plays mind games :o

Nice round 20lb down now since the week before Christmas, 8.5 weeks until my first proper holiday in the sun in about 15 years. Hopefully should be able to shed the 14lbs to hit 200 by then, to then put at least half of it back on at the buffet :D
Similar for me really. I’ve started to take charge after settling down from the wedding.

Initial 2KG loss and then spikes every time I work out.

This time I’m incorporating more walking and kettlebell work. Last time I did nothing so suspect I lost a lot of lean mass (which is why 115KG at the moment doesn’t feel like 115KG this time last year when I’d lost 5 kilos)
Just finished my second 1 hour uphill fast paced walk on the treadmill this week following a slow ramp up to 1 hour walks in previous weeks. The pace keeps me in my aerobic zone and with peaks higher for the majority of the hour.

I have started to feel better which is my first goal. Next week will switch with a third session but introducing intervals for that midweek session.

I'm lucky that I bought the treadmill years ago (it's a Reebok One), it never really got used but this winter Mrs has actively been using it for her marathon walk training too and I've started using it in earnest. It's both convenient and the size of the platform allows me (being a 6'4) to run properly.

I used to be very very fit unto my mid 30s, so I'm deliberately not measuring my weight. I already know the feeling of inside fa, etc so I'll gauge myself based on that. My water consumption varies too much so my weight fluctuates what I do know is I'm not eating that much but I do find myself desiring a bag of chrisps but instead it's really water etc so that's the plan.
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Figured I would chirp in....
We run an annual weight loss challenge at work based on % weight lost, started on 6th Jan, down a little over 38lbs so far. Started at 268.6lbs, now sitting at 230lbs.
Intermittent fasting, usually 16/8, with a 1400cal daily limit. Been terrible on weekends for alittle bit though so have been doing some 3 and 4 day fasts to ofset that. Moving to zero carbs as of monday for the last 4 weeks! Hoping to end at/under 220lbs. Then see if i cant hit sub 200lbs by Jun.....
Figured I would chirp in....
We run an annual weight loss challenge at work based on % weight lost, started on 6th Jan, down a little over 38lbs so far. Started at 268.6lbs, now sitting at 230lbs.
Intermittent fasting, usually 16/8, with a 1400cal daily limit. Been terrible on weekends for alittle bit though so have been doing some 3 and 4 day fasts to ofset that. Moving to zero carbs as of monday for the last 4 weeks! Hoping to end at/under 220lbs. Then see if i cant hit sub 200lbs by Jun.....
Race you to under 200lb...

(...so long as it's downhill!) :cry:
Funnily enough, i'm now at almost 3 weeks since i've been able to do any exercise and yet my weight hasn't really shifted even though i've probably not changed my diet at all. Bizarre considering i was generally around 7-10hrs of activity a week!

Have a bad feeling it's all going to hit at once, although hoping to start doing little bits on the indoor bike starting next week.
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I’m totally off the boil at the moment. Been busy!

Confusing times for my scales - had a birthday celebration at the weekend which resulted in fluid retention in all the wrong places, two cycling sessions this week so far, the latest has improved my FTP which is unexpected. Felt knackered so ate an entire chocolate lobster. Scales said 89.7kg this morning which isn’t as bad as I had expected. Who knows! I’m heading to the USA at the end of the month, so RIP to any progress :cry:
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