Yeah that’s probably some good advice, sometimes we forget we’re not indestructible, that’s something I will look into once we’re released from tier 3 up here in the north, luckily the gyms open again next week, I will get my ass on the cross trainer if it feels ok, it’s a strange one with some movements it feels like it’s the top of my hamstring and with others it feels like it’s the bottom of my glute, might see if I can convince the wife to give me a bit of a massageStrongly suggest starting to look at some stretches/rehab exercises - the older we all get, the harder it is to recover from small injuries/niggles etc.
try looking for a few exercises etc to do whilst not running, also a good physio will help massively with recovery. I know when I tore my Vastus Medialis, he diagnosed it, gave me exercises to recover and also did some ultrasound etc. Sped things up no end.
I go to see a physio once every 3/4 months or so just for the once over and get a sport massage. I do a lot of crossfit but I also sit at a desk 8-10 hours a day so a little TLC is well worth while.