*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

Downloaded a new app to log weigh ins as the fluctuations are so up and down that it's hard to see if I'm on track. Should help keep me motivated I hope :)

Looks like the initial whoosh has started to slow at least, hopefully carry on with a more steady loss now. I can see why weighing daily can mess with peoples motivation though, not a massive fan of it but it's interesting to see the changes.

The month so far:

What scales do you have? Are you not concerned that your weight changes by 5lbs in 24 hours? (Assuming your weighing at the same time every day?) Doesn't look right to me?
Just some standard digital scales. It’s been like that for me since I can remember, it doesn’t seem right to me either but googling does suggest weight fluctuations can be big or small so I’m not sure.
Out of interest do you leave them in place or move them?

I know they can need to recalibrate if they're moved around which could explain the large fluctuations.
I'd be tempted in looking to get some new ones maybe? (You can get ones that give a rough idea of body fat % too, for around £25 I think.) Weight does fluctuate, but if you're weighing after getting out of bed each morning, I'd be really surprised to see more than 1lb movement in 24 hours. If I did a really big ride one day, it might move 2lbs the next morning, but 5lbs would worry me. (if I weight right after a ride, I can see maybe 4lbs at most, but then as I hydrate and eat, some of that weight comes back) What does anyone else think? What does anyone else that weighs day to day see?

Do you have access to any other scales to get an idea of accuracy? Tbf, there's also an argument that the actual figure isn't important if you can see things trending the right way...
I've been weighing as soon as I get up before drinking or eating anything but I do move the scales after so that could be an issue. I'm not massively fussed in all honesty, it was more an experiment and like you say if it trends a certain way I guess the amount doesn't matter too much :D Next time I am near some other scales I will weigh myself and see how close I am to the figures.

I'm training 3 times a week - Monday, Wed and Friday

Monday Push day
Wednesday Leg day
Friday Pull day

Protein around 180g per day

Sat and Sun I eat and drink what I want, no tracking calories those days. Then weekdays, I track what I eat and I'm around 2300 calories per day.
Macro breakdown of 40% protein, 30% fats and 30% carbs
That's really well done, as it looks like you lost fat and also gained bulk, which seems quite tricky to do... well, maybe only because I've been too quick at it I guess. I dropped calories quite significantly when I lost weight and I lost a lot of 'bulk' (muscle) at the same time. I guess if you do it at a steadier pace, it's easier to 'convert' the mass?

Mind you, I have wondered about intentionally dropping some muscle off as it makes cycling so much easier. I've wondered about cancelling my gym membership, but I don't know I actually want to 'look' like a cycling :cry:

I'm training 3 times a week - Monday, Wed and Friday

Monday Push day
Wednesday Leg day
Friday Pull day

Protein around 180g per day

Sat and Sun I eat and drink what I want, no tracking calories those days. Then weekdays, I track what I eat and I'm around 2300 calories per day.
Macro breakdown of 40% protein, 30% fats and 30% carbs

Great job.

How long did it take?

I'm on a similar regime, although my calorie consumption is around 2000 a day, with a similar macro split to yours.

I also have cheat meal on Saturday evenings and more or less free reign on Sundays.

I do 5 days at the gym, 45-60 minutes. Again similar to you alternating between Pull, push and legs. I also walk 4.5km first thing every morning with my wife. Then 15 minutes core workout before I start work.
Great job.

How long did it take?

I'm on a similar regime, although my calorie consumption is around 2000 a day, with a similar macro split to yours.

I also have cheat meal on Saturday evenings and more or less free reign on Sundays.

I do 5 days at the gym, 45-60 minutes. Again similar to you alternating between Pull, push and legs. I also walk 4.5km first thing every morning with my wife. Then 15 minutes core workout before I start work.

Fatty pic on left was Feb 2021 (a year ago almost to the day, as I started in the gym at the end of Feb last year)
Pic on the right was in Jan this year 11 months later.

I could have done it cleaner and quicker but as I said, I prefer weekends to eat what I want and drink what I want, without worrying about calories. I'm not saying I have a chinese every weekend or drink cans of booze as I dont, but I can have what I want and mentally I know it's not going to affect my progression, yets keeps me sane iif I DO want a kebab and a few beers at the weekend.

I don't do any cardio, all weight training as training the large muscle groups like glutes, quads, back etc, burns a good amount of calories.

My personal bests foir the 3 main lifts are

Squat - 170kg
Bench Press - 120kg
Deadlift - 240kg

I'm almost 46 too so not to bad for "an old guy" :D

End of March, 5 weeks away, I'm moving to a more strict cutting phase for 12 weeks that will take me up to 1st July. Then I'll have a decent shape for the summer. Trim away some more fat and show the results of the work.

Most important thing is I go to the gym so that I don't have to think, the group coach does all my workouts in Truecoach app. I just turn up and he puts me and the other lads, through the workout. I use it as a mental unwind 90mins.
Fatty pic on left was Feb 2021 (a year ago almost to the day, as I started in the gym at the end of Feb last year)
Pic on the right was in Jan this year 11 months later.

I could have done it cleaner and quicker but as I said, I prefer weekends to eat what I want and drink what I want, without worrying about calories. I'm not saying I have a chinese every weekend or drink cans of booze as I dont, but I can have what I want and mentally I know it's not going to affect my progression, yets keeps me sane iif I DO want a kebab and a few beers at the weekend.

I don't do any cardio, all weight training as training the large muscle groups like glutes, quads, back etc, burns a good amount of calories.

My personal bests foir the 3 main lifts are

Squat - 170kg
Bench Press - 120kg
Deadlift - 240kg

I'm almost 46 too so not to bad for "an old guy" :D

End of March, 5 weeks away, I'm moving to a more strict cutting phase for 12 weeks that will take me up to 1st July. Then I'll have a decent shape for the summer. Trim away some more fat and show the results of the work.

Most important thing is I go to the gym so that I don't have to think, the group coach does all my workouts in Truecoach app. I just turn up and he puts me and the other lads, through the workout. I use it as a mental unwind 90mins.
I'd say you look pretty much perfect.
I'd say you look pretty much perfect.

I'm happy with the upper body, lower near the waist, is where I want to work on. You can't spot reduce certain areas for body fat so have to do an overall bodyfat reduction to get the waist area looking beter. Current bodyfat is 22 and I'd like to get it down to 16 or so.
Current bodyfat is 22 and I'd like to get it down to 16 or so.

Ooof, that's gonna be tough. I'm almost the same age as you (47 now) and my experience is it really slows down around the 20% point. I came down from 36% to 19% I think was the lowest. I put a bit back on, up to 24% and I'm finding it quite hard to come back down. I've lost 12 lbs since new year, but it's telling me I'm still around 22% right now :( Do you know what you were when you started? (The pic on the left?)
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