*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

I got the feeling that people are seeking validation for their own plans by putting others down and being unnecessarily hostile and aggressive (quite common in weight loss communities). While their diet plan might be healthy for them, this attitude definitely is not. .
Nah, just people on diets getting all 'hangry', I expect.
Fair enough. My bad then.

IF is interesting. Not really my typical style which makes it exciting.

Have seen IF being referred to as a fad by many people, just google "intermittent fasting fad" and you get results in WebMD, Stanford, MedPage, NCBI/NIH and many others.

Again not saying it doesn't work, but what is or isn't considered a fad isn't always clear and the lines are very blurry. A lot of people consider low-carb a fad (I do too), but there are doctors prescribing it now.

I'm more comfortable with an eating plan for 7 days a week than 2. I can stick to 100%, can't do to 25%.

Not quite sure why you need the latest and greatest fad diet to get you started. You either want to loose weight or you don't.

If you do, then how you do it is never going to be exciting or that radically different to anything that's gone before.

Let's face it, all fad/trending diets are a variation on the same themes and ideas that have gone before.

Or that they basically involve some kind of short term, unsustainable starvation gimmick, that some half wit celebrity has been on.
Not quite sure why you need the latest and greatest fad diet to get you started. You either want to loose weight or you don't.

If you do, then how you do it is never going to be exciting or that radically different to anything that's gone before.

Let's face it, all fad/trending diets are a variation on the same themes and ideas that have gone before.

Or that they basically involve some kind of short term, unsustainable starvation gimmick, that some half wit celebrity has been on.

Well just wanted excitement of trying something new that I haven't done before and was not aware of really, nothing more.
Well just wanted excitement of trying something new that I haven't done before and was not aware of really, nothing more.
As everyone who knows what 'thermodynamics' means is so keen to point out - Losing weight is simple... in concept. The reality is that it's hard to actually stick to it long enough to see an effect, and even harder to maintain once you've lost it. THAT is the real struggle.
So perhaps just do whatever personally worked best for reducing your weight previously, and instead focus on what changes you'll make to your life that keep the weight off.
I sort of inadvertently do intermittent fasting in that I rarely eat before mid day and stop eating around 7/8PM at night.

What's 5/2, 2 days with a total fast?
Ok, not as bad as a total fast but i'd be a miserable sod on those days for sure :D

Depends on what you eat.

I have one decent meal a day for 600 calories, but you could easily use other foods. Such a fruit and vegetables to increase the volume. I mean you could eat a 400g punnet of strawberries for lunch and still have 500 calories left for an evening meal.

I've also done a full 72 hour fast a couple of times, which is something you could do once a month instead of the other fasting methods.
Depends on what you eat.

I have one decent meal a day for 600 calories, but you could easily use other foods. Such a fruit and vegetables to increase the volume. I mean you could eat a 400g punnet of strawberries for lunch and still have 500 calories left for an evening meal.

I've also done a full 72 hour fast a couple of times, which is something you could do once a month instead of the other fasting methods.

I've fasted before, it's not all that hard to be fair with the condition that i'm occupied, moment i'm in front of TV, get the munching urge :D

I just generally enjoy food too much to restrict myself to that extent two days a week, I do eat restrictively already on a calorie/macro basis but that's just habit now.
Just 2 days on 600kcals, or are the other 5 completely zero kcal fasting days?

Two non consecutive days you eat 600 calories, the other five days you eat normally.

You can divide the 600 calories in anyway you like throughout the day on any foods you like. Bear in mind that calories from drinks count in your total. So best to drink water, black tea/coffee or zero calorie drinks.
Hmm... That doesn't seem like much. Since WFH during Covid and being all sedentary, I've barely been averaging that same 600 during a normal day anyway.
For an "average" male it would work out at almost a 4k kcal deficit a week assuming they ate the standard 2500kcals the other 5 days and therefore it would equal slightly over a lb a week.

That's a very nice steady drop if it means you can sustain it for a good period of time.
For an "average" male it would work out at almost a 4k kcal deficit a week assuming they ate the standard 2500kcals the other 5 days and therefore it would equal slightly over a lb a week.
That's a very nice steady drop if it means you can sustain it for a good period of time.
Back when I was underweight I often struggled to hit 2500 in the first place, unless I went in for loads of unhealthy crap like sweets and the like. These days I'm just not that much into food, any more.
Maybe I need more Big Macs and Coke in my life... or are Plant-Based Whoppers too 'corner-sofa'?
For an "average" male it would work out at almost a 4k kcal deficit a week assuming they ate the standard 2500kcals the other 5 days and therefore it would equal slightly over a lb a week.

That's a very nice steady drop if it means you can sustain it for a good period of time.
I wish i could eat 2500 cals per day and maintain weight :(
I wish i could eat 2500 cals per day and maintain weight :(

Yeah, i think that that 2500 massively overestimates peoples activity level. I'm a biggish guy at 6'3 and 95kg and yet i would say that i would put on weight at 2000kcal a day and that's including short walks with the dogs twice a day.
My weight loss update is..... I haven't lost any. :p
After a really clean and Dry January I got down to 13st 3. Didn't particularly want to go too much lower (due to rugby).
I've still eaten good in the week and do loads of exercise but I do allow myself to enjoy the weekend, have a few beers eat a takeaways etc. I don't feel like I'm cutting or anything.
Get on the scales this morning and i'm still 13st 3 which I'm pretty happy with as the gym is going well.
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