Big Issue... Big Issue...



18 Oct 2002
I've just been in town and seen something I had not seen before... Across the street from me I saw someone give a Big Issue to one of the people selling them. It wasn't a bundle for them to sell, it was just one, and the person handing it over wasn't a dog on string type but looked like a regular gentleman.

I presume it was done because the guy had finished reading it and gave it back for it to be sold again so the seller could make that little bit more cash. Is this the norm? Like I said, I've never seen this before :confused:

It irritated me a bit actually as I have to walk passed at least 3 as I go through town on my way to and from work and get pestered by all of them, every day. If I wanted one I would buy one, otherwise leave me alone :mad:
Mat said:
I presume it was done because the guy had finished reading it and gave it back for it to be sold again so the seller could make that little bit more cash. Is this the norm? Like I said, I've never seen this before :confused:

Obviously the guy was a pretty decent bloke. Rather than throw the finished paper away he gave it back to a BI seller to use again. Recycling & donation in one hit.

Mat said:
It irritated me a bit actually as I have to walk passed at least 3 as I go through town on my way to and from work and get pestered by all of them, every day. If I wanted one I would buy one, otherwise leave me alone :mad:

Why did it irritate you? :confused:

Also if you don't want to buy one, then don't. Ignore anyone trying to sell you one, it's quite simple.
Dunno about that but where i work, Docklands there always seems to be one scruffy dude with a dog that kinda jumps in front of you, the guy that is...and starts to flip the big issue mag on his arm flipping it up. quite funny to see him try to impress people with that little trick. He dont say much though but is always doing that little arm mag flip trick...

Tbh ive never bought an issue of the big issue myself, i seem to get free london papers shoved in my face...end up with at least 3-4 copies of random papers that i dont really read lol.
Big Issue has some good articles sometimes, buy one.

Don't forget you can always just donate to a BI seller.

Oh and I hate the ones with pets, if you aint got no home you shouldn't be squandering money on a friggin animal.
In the two towns nearest me, the BI sellers certainly don't get on anyone's nerves.
Sure you'll here them calling out and occasionally they happen to make eye contact with you in particular (scary that bit eh - as you're looking down trying to avoid them?).
If I've already bought a copy or simply don't want to I either mouth or simply say "No Thanks".
That is it, end of conversation.
Occasionally they might respond with a "Have a good day" or similar - but they certainly don't give you evil looks or hound you if you don't purchase.
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