Big Tech Authoritarianism

They're all off to Gab now, which is basically the social network for alt-right nutters who are too extreme for Parler, let alone Twitter. Gab had a run-in with big tech companies following an incident a couple of years ago, and managed to get back up and running using alternative resources. So they're somewhat less likely to go offline.
So the net result of blocking Parler may well be to force less extreme people onto a more extreme platform. What could possibly go wrong?
It's all laughable to think back 20 years ago that all these nerds would have so much power nowadays, I didn't see it coming. I can envisage an explosion at Twitter HQ or something.
So the net result of blocking Parler may well be to force less extreme people onto a more extreme platform. What could possibly go wrong?

Dammit I can't find it right now.

But there was a comically sad rant from a right wing asshat who said the members and site visitors were not donating enough to cover the costs of keeping his site alive so they'd have to cut back on articles and staff. He was accusing them of not caring enough about the agenda.

And by agenda and articles I mean he would happily say he wants to gas jews.

How unfortunate, having to carry the financial burden of spreading the words they want to spread.

There should be no obligation of a private company to assist you in broadcasting something they're not on board with.

Gonna bug me all day now but I can't recall enough text strings to get an accurate hit on the story.
Nancy Pelosi getting a taste of her own medicine though, this is what Antifa have been doing for years, barging into people space and disrupting it, they stole her laptop apparently also.

They had back-ups, and reckoned it would take about a week to get back up and running. But apparently that's now looking somewhat less likely now, as they've been banned by a bunch of other services too, inc. GitHub with little warning.

Also, they were hacked shortly before they went offline. Over 70TB of data was dumped from their servers, including personal information and geolocation data. So there's a high chance it's over for Parler now, regardless.

They got hacked again! Who was running their security? Was it John McFee from one of his sex boats in Belize? Parler required quite a lot of personal information as well.
Is BLM an "individual" (like Trump) or even an identifiable "Organisation" :confused:

ANYONE or ANY ORGANISATION encouraging violence or breaking the law should be denied a platform. Trump certainly qualifies under the first category; but not the Republican Party as a whole.


Like this ? I guess these people should be removed from social media platforms as they're encouraging violence too no?
Nancy Pelosi getting a taste of her own medicine though, this is what Antifa have been doing for years, barging into people space and disrupting it, they stole her laptop apparently also.

Antifa have stormed Congress and tried to stop the constitutional duty of that body counting legitimate Electoral Votes for the POTUS/VPOTOS and having their candidate installed instead? Damn I missed that one.

Like this ? I guess these people should be removed from social media platforms as they're encouraging violence too no?

If you can't see the difference between protest and violence then you have a major problem. I'm 99.9% sure every one of those politicians called out the violence at BLM protests. Those memes are getting circulated a fair amount right now to justify an insurrection. If the MAGA crowd had just stayed outside Congress and chanted we wouldn't be here now.
Antifa have stormed Congress and tried to stop the constitutional duty of that body counting legitimate Electoral Votes for the POTUS/VPOTOS and having their candidate installed instead? Damn I missed that one.

No, they've just been burning the rest of the USA to ground for last 7 months, in particular Portland, Oregon.
If you can't see the difference between protest and violence then you have a major problem. I'm 99.9% sure every one of those politicians called out the violence at BLM protests. Those memes are getting circulated a fair amount right now to justify an insurrection. If the MAGA crowd had just stayed outside Congress and chanted we wouldn't be here now.

Using your logic 99.9% of the MAGA crowd was indeed outside congress, so we shouldn't be blaming Trump supporters for this entire mess.
I am completly against people storming congress, yet if you go on social media the call for killing MAGA slogan users, Trump supporters and conservatives are everywhere.

Also I would like to add the Twitter account of ayatollah of Iran who called for the killing of jew's is still live and active.
So the net result of blocking Parler may well be to force less extreme people onto a more extreme platform. What could possibly go wrong?
Kinda helps. Consolidates them in one area for moderation. Clearly they don't have the resources to effectively secure the data either, so win-win.
No, they've just been burning the rest of the USA to ground for last 7 months, in particular Portland, Oregon.

And no one has defended that. Still can you imagine if they had stormed the Congress if Trump had won and tried to subvert democracy and have Biden installed after Biden and the left spent over 2 months crying that there was massive voter fraud and the election was rigged with zero proof? The right wing would be calling for the death penalty for all of them for treason and for those left over a flight to Guantanamo Bay.
At least BLM actually have valid issues to protest. :p

Valid reason to protest doesn't mean carte blanche to loot and burn shops and pull down statues which MSM called 'mostly peaceful'.

And no one has defended that. Still can you imagine if they had stormed the Congress if Trump had won and tried to subvert democracy and have Biden installed after Biden and the left spent over 2 months crying that there was massive voter fraud and the election was rigged with zero proof? The right wing would be calling for the death penalty for all of them for treason and for those left over a flight to Guantanamo Bay.

The media did by again calling them 'mostly peaceful'. Stop assuming because people disagree with the left are automatically 'alt-right'.
Using your logic 99.9% of the MAGA crowd was indeed outside congress, so we shouldn't be blaming Trump supporters for this entire mess.
I am completly against people storming congress, yet if you go on social media the call for killing MAGA slogan users, Trump supporters and conservatives are everywhere.

Also I would like to add the Twitter account of ayatollah of Iran who called for the killing of jew's is still live and active.

That's funny because I haven't seen any calls for MAGA to be killed. Held to account in court yeah.

99.9% weren't outside and they certainly weren't trying to stop those that entered and fought with the police, killing one and injuring others. Or was that antifa :rolleyes:

If the Ayatollah of Iran has indeed used his account to say such things it should be suspended. You'll get no argument from me on that. Any world leader who uses their social media accounts for such hatred should have them removed. He can go on his State run TV to spout such hate.
Valid reason to protest doesn't mean carte blanche to loot and burn shops and pull down statues which MSM called 'mostly peaceful'.

The media did by again calling them 'mostly peaceful'. Stop assuming because people disagree with the left are automatically 'alt-right'.

That is because they were mostly peaceful. Hundreds of protests but sadly a small percentage turned violent. Those responsible should have their day in court and if guilty spend a very long time making number plates or whatever they have prisoners doing now.
Valid reason to protest doesn't mean carte blanche to loot and burn shops and pull down statues which MSM called 'mostly peaceful'.

The media did by again calling them 'mostly peaceful'. Stop assuming because people disagree with the left are automatically 'alt-right'.

Are you ignoring or pretending cover of damage and looting didn't happen? Because I can easily recall plenty of coverage of that.

On "mainstream media".

At the same time you can stand back and give an opinion on what the majority or "most" of the people turning up were there for.
It's all laughable to think back 20 years ago that all these nerds would have so much power nowadays, I didn't see it coming. I can envisage an explosion at Twitter HQ or something.

I wouldn't call the people 20 years ago nerds. They were the mainstream people who jumped on the bandwagon having ignored computers and ridiculed the 'nerds' back in the 80s and 90s.

The first generation on the Internet was always wary of big tech companies taking over, censoring and trying to control the entire Internet.

These days those mainstream people cheer on censorship as long as its not effecting them... at the moment.

That is because they were mostly peaceful. Hundreds of protests but sadly a small percentage turned violent. Those responsible should have their day in court and if guilty spend a very long time making number plates or whatever they have prisoners doing now.

Where is the condemnation of Biden and Harris promoting an organisation to bail them out?

Imagine if Trump or another Republican did that to the people arrested. There would be hell on in the media.
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