Bigscreen Beyond PCVR Headset

30 Sep 2005
I've heard nothing, but read on reddit some youtubers have been hinting something is coming.....NDA lifts tomorrow

Rumours are of a super small headset for PC VR

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Small FoV aside sounds too good to be true!

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  • $999, before the cost of the controllers, audio solution and required lighthouse tracking
  • 2500*2500 OLED, pancake lenses
  • DP
  • No launch date guestimate
The custom-made faceplate was interesting, but it was seemingly just that, ONLY the faceplate, not the whole headset, and to suggest that an attached piece of printed foam (or whatever it's made of) is worth $100s is just ridiculous.

Doesn't half sound like a stripped down HTC Vive Pro 2 (same resolution and connectivity), but with OLED pancake lenses and even more expensive.


If Neo could be bothered to release a Pico 4 "link", they'd clean up.
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Custom fitted IPD = no resale value.
Needs an iPhone just to order one due to the custom fitting needing the depth sensor.
90 degree FOV.
No controllers or Base Stations included, but required. (Another £600 at least).
No standalone capability.

Puts the Quest Pro's price in perspective.
The link doesn't explain much but I've seen a comment that...

No audio. No controllers. Requires base stations (not included). Requires iPhone. Wired.

Do you need a module attached to the headset for 6dof tracking?

Seems like basically £1k for ok resolution with oled pancake. Which is probably good if your consuming media, but I don't think it sounds special for gaming that much? Certainly not for the cost!

Edit is the strap just some stretchy material?
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It's Steam VR lighthouse tracked.

If they'd made this just a bit bigger with adjustable IPD, Index style speakers and a bigger FOV I'd consider this for an Index headset replacement, at least if it were a more reasonable price.

As I already have the controllers and base stations this should have been my ideal wired Index upgrade.
ah man, I really want OLED and displayport

Think it will be a waste of money if the headset is designed especially for you, the second the big boys release their OLED headsets this will be worthless.

That said, how many are still doing displayport?
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Apparently the custom fitted faceplates are replaceable so if you sell the headset the next user can get a replacement.

I'm betting there'll be some of these turning up on eBay cheap like the Pro. Would be worth picking one up then if you do have the base stations and controllers.
  • $999, before the cost of the controllers, audio solution and required lighthouse tracking
  • 2500*2500 OLED, pancake lenses
  • DP
  • No launch date guestimate
The custom-made faceplate was interesting, but it was seemingly just that, ONLY the faceplate, not the whole headset, and to suggest that an attached piece of printed foam (or whatever it's made of) is worth $100s is just ridiculous.

Doesn't half sound like a stripped down HTC Vive Pro 2 (same resolution and connectivity), but with OLED pancake lenses and even more expensive.


If Neo could be bothered to release a Pico 4 "link", they'd clean up.
Looks interesting but will wait for the vive pro 3 and hopefully that will have better lenses and be Oled!
Sharper than Quest Pro which is impressive, but has some lens glare.

Possibly not as bright as the Pro - pancake lenses do absorb light. One of the nice things about the Pro is the colours are super bright and have a lot of dynamic range. Bright lights can be blinding.

To be honest if one of these was available second hand at a decent price I might be tempted.
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Given AV1 encoding on the latest gen hardware, and a rumour that q3 will support AV1 decoding, it might be that wireless is going to get enough of a boost that wired won't be necessary (even ignoring wifi improvements).
The bigscreen discord is going bonkers. Interesting to see the comments. In some ways I'm glad I've not yet sold my Index, because this does look like a potential replacement - at least with the audio strap. However the expense is eyewatering even compared to the Pro.

Definitely a 'wait and see' product.
The bigscreen discord is going bonkers. Interesting to see the comments. In some ways I'm glad I've not yet sold my Index, because this does look like a potential replacement - at least with the audio strap. However the expense is eyewatering even compared to the Pro.

Definitely a 'wait and see' product.
It makes sense that it comes from bigscreen, for media viewing it's probably perfect, with little need for controllers assuming you can use a mouse etc.
It makes sense that it comes from bigscreen, for media viewing it's probably perfect, with little need for controllers assuming you can use a mouse etc.

You literally cannot see anything without the headset on due to the custom fitted faceplate, so using a mouse and keyboard, even with Steam's desktop view is going to be awkward. Hand tracking would be ideal, but that'd need a separate hardware add-on.

I'd love to use this for watching 3D movies - it's one of my primary use cases and it already looks amazing on the Pro.

One advantage the pro has is that you don't have to have anything touching your face. Without the blinders the lenses float in front of your eyes. You can get an IR emitter and use it in the dark. Passthrough doesn't work but the tracking does, so you can watch movies without feeling anything on your face except your forehead.

The Beyond fits to your head like ski-goggles. I'm sure it's pretty comfortable, but maybe not as comfortable has having nothing on your face, but then perhaps the lightness will make up for that. I can see it getting sweaty and the lenses fogging.

Would really like to try one.
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