Bigscreen Beyond PCVR Headset

30 Sep 2005
I've heard nothing, but read on reddit some youtubers have been hinting something is coming.....NDA lifts tomorrow

Rumours are of a super small headset for PC VR

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ah man, I really want OLED and displayport

Think it will be a waste of money if the headset is designed especially for you, the second the big boys release their OLED headsets this will be worthless.

That said, how many are still doing displayport?
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I ordered one last night

I've always said comfort for me is number one, then quality of screens followed by fov. I'm not sure anyone else is going to do a super small headset with micro oled screens and a displayport.

I'd have liked a bit more FOV, but it's a trade off as then the headset will be bigger. I guess with that resolution screen it's going to be super sharp.

I've stopped using my monitors completely for sim racing, so I can sell them to pay for this.
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One of the reasons I like the Quest Pro is it's no more stressful on the GPU than a Quest 2 but looks massively sharper. Like several orders of magnitude sharper. It's like getting a GPU upgrade for free.

So raw resolution isn't necessarily the only factor in how clear and sharp a headset is.

If the Beyond is using pentile subpixels then it's immediately losing effective resolution too.

It's not pentile, supposed to be zero screen door
Impressive form factor that's for sure. For those who have the Steam Controllers and base stations a possible upgrade from the Index etc, though that FOV is a bit of a step down. For me I'm still very impressed by the PICO 4 for the price, though it needs a might GPU to offset the overhead of wireless streaming. I've got a pre order in for the Pimax Crystal which price wise will be roughly the same as this plus the required base stations and controllers. Though I'm a little sceptical of what they are going to end up delivering.

Good to see more and more progress in the VR arena. I wonder what other headsets are close to launch?

Do you know roughly what percentage of the gpu is used up by streaming? I wonder if I'll be able to run 90hz in all conditions (sim racing) with my 4090. There are times, mainly night races in the rain where my gpu is hitting 95% and that's at 72hz. It's in extreme conditions, and very rare, but still no chance of 90hz.
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I have a wired PSVR headset with me at the minute so going to carry out a few tests this weekend.

1. Performance Overhead (Virtual Desktop vs Displayport)
2. GPU requirements for Bigscreen Beyond

Pico 4 90hz (2160x2160)
SteamVR (3120x3120) = 9.73m Pixels (Native)
SteamVR (2116x2116) = 4.47m Pixels (to match HTC Vive Pro)

Bigscreen Beyond 90hz (2560x2560)
SteamVR (3696x3696) = 13.66m Pixels (40% more pixels than Pico4)

HTC Vive Pro 90hz (1440x1600)
SteamVR (2016x2240) = 4.51m Pixels (Native)
SteamVR (2960x3292) = 9.74m Pixels (to match Pico)
SteamVR (3512x3904) = 13.71m Pixels (to match Bigscreen)

Automobilista settings during test
AF 16x
MSAA High (highest it will go)
Everything Ultra (or the highest it will go)
Shadows Medium
Reflections Medium
Enhanced Mirrors Off

Test 1 (Virtual Desktop vs Displayport / HTC Vive Pro Res)

VD Pico 4 90hz (2116x2116) = 4.47m Pixels
DP HTC Vive Pro 90hz (2016x2240) = 4.51m Pixels

Automobilista 2 - 5 Laps,25 Cars,Silverstone,Clear,Day
Pico4 GPU Load 41%-[46%-48%]-55% | Avg FPS 90
HTC Vive Pro GPU Load 38%-[40%-45%]-48% | Avg FPS 90

Automobilista 2 - 5 Laps,25 Cars,Silverstone,Wet,Night
Pico4 GPU Load | Avg FPS
HTC Vive Pro GPU Load | Avg FPS

Test 2 (Virtual Desktop vs Displayport / Pico 4 Res)

VD Pico 4 90hz (3120x3120) = 9.73m Pixels
DP HTC Vive Pro 90hz (2960x3292) = 9.74m Pixels

Automobilista 2 - 5 Laps,25 Cars,Silverstone,Clear,Day
Pico4 GPU Load 75%-85% | Avg FPS 90
HTC Vive Pro GPU Load | Avg FPS

Automobilista 2 - 5 Laps,25 Cars,Silverstone,Wet,Night
Pico4 GPU Load | Avg FPS
HTC Vive Pro GPU Load | Avg FPS

Test 3 (Bigscreen)

DP HTC Vive Pro (3512x3904) = 13.71m Pixels

Automobilista 2 - 5 Laps,25 Cars,Silverstone,Clear,Day
GPU Load | Avg FPS

Automobilista 2 - 5 Laps,25 Cars,Silverstone,Wet,Night
GPU Load | Avg FPS
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Having to expand my test a bit as I wonder if the resolutions make a difference to VD overhead.

Currently looking like only 3-6% overhead at the minute, although displayport doesn't jump around as much, it's more constant load whereas VD keeps changing making it hard for me to get a feel for what's going on. If it scales in a linear fashion then at the Pico res were looking at a 6.5-13% overhead, which fits quite well with reverb g2 performance figures (pico 75% load / g2 65% load).
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Well as tests go, that was awful :cry:

Trying to run the HTC at Pico res resulted in reprojection kicking in at 45fps and the brief moments it came out of it, GPU 97% at around 80fps
Keep going with your testing. It's been interesting reading so far.

I did something like this with my Quest 2 during lockdown. I got roughly the same overhead as you somewhere around 5-6% Which would make sense as they are both using the same Xr2 processor.

I'm struggling. I don't understand why the pico performs so much better than the HTC when running at the same resolution.
You got results from running the Pico 4 at the same res as the HTC Vive Pro.

But you are having trouble with the other way around? How are you changing the resolution of the Vive? Through Steam VR or the in game supersampling?

I'm changing it in Steam as the in-game setting does bugger all

To be honest, I mainly just wanted to see if I could run bigscreen beyond at decent settings, and it's not looking good. Dry tracks are just about ok, 85% - 90% but forget about rain, or any night racing. That's at 72fps though, not 90. Hard to tell really as I still don't know the overhead of VD, or if SteamVR SS has any kind of overhead. I'm just going with about 10% for VD, so should just be about ok.

Biggest thing I've learnt is that the OLED screens on the Vive are sooooo much better.
Any see Sad Brads recent video about the Bigscreen headset?
Clearly he was very impressed with "some" aspects of it. I thought the final 2 mins were interesting, where he pretty much implied that he knew the "big boys" were bringing something similar out in the near future, i.e. with mini-OLED hires screens. Interesting.

Problem is, yet again these new headsets are a GPU generation too early.
I don't know much about the game, sorry. But, Changing the Resolution in Steam is super sampling. It adds a lot of overhead and if you have the setting in game changed as well, that's double super sampling.

I am guessing that's where your performance issues are.

No, not at the same time. I tried one, then the other just to see. Reading online I think the ingame one is broken as it does nothing at all.
I cancelled my order and got a refund. Really wanted to like this, but too many issues and niggles for £1,149 + another £100 for the strap which I think is a must.

It seems like both pancake lenses and OLED screens still need a lot of work.
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Far too dim because of having to polarise OLED and then sending it through pancake lenses, at 100% it's worse than pico 4, but too much blur so brightness has to be lowered down a lot. Think were talking very, very low nits
FOV worse than quest2
Small sweet spot would you believe which is confusing
Lenses are not advanced enough to eliminate the ghosting (quest pro almost gets it right)
£100 extra for the strap as the free one is supposed to be uncomfortable

It's a big ask at £1,149

I've been on the pre-order discord channel a fair bit, and it seems like this headset is mainly designed for VRchat use and not much else
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This came off the back of the most recent MRTV review......

Straight from the horses mouth as well

The CEO is planning a public announcement in two weeks. They've had a breakthrough with the optics.
FOV larger than crystal :eek: That would be a game changer imho.

Oled, 105-109 fov, 127g weight

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