Bike Meet Version 2.0 - A44 to Aberystwyth

Everybody bring there chain & padlock & we can chain them all together with the money bikes in the middle. I think some are bringing a tent so we can chain the bikes to there sleeping bags as well. :D
Check this out. :D

18.50 each for a back packers type stay & add 4 quid if you want Breakfast, Any couples can arrange a room on there own but I don't know how much it is.
I asked if they minded us all being on Motorbikes & she said No problem at all.
It's 3 mile outside Aberystwyth just off the A44 on the way in & is set in 22 acre so I reckon it'll be pretty safe for the bikes.
Just a place I found & wondered what you lot thought. Sounds ideal to me. :)
I thought that, Not only because of the price but because it's 3 mile out of town & set on it's own 22 acres of land, They 'll have dogs, guns the lot. :p
Woman didn't even stop to think about the Motorbikes either which is cool, S'pose 25 x 18.50 adds up. 462 quid :eek: + 25 x 4 for brekkys + 200 so a total of 662 quid for a nights work & some brekky cooking. If my sums are right that's a fair amount of money for a night.

*Wanders off outside with homemade B&B sign*
Been thinking of the best way to arrange the accommodation.

Is it better to start another thread & get Paypal gifts sent to me & I book it once we have say 15+.

Another way would be for me to ring the Place & book myself in with an OcUK tag that everybody else can join via a direct phone call & booking themselves.

Thoughts or a better way to do it ?
Don't know about the BBQ but I'm sure there will be somewhere amongst 22 acres we could have one.
I don't really want to ring again until I ring to book.

Think the best way would be for us all to ring individually & pay by card. I'll set up a party/name that we can all join.
I think you need to start a new thread as well so we can determin those who will make it.

Will do. I'll let this long weekend pass & sort a new thread & a Party name. It will be easier if we all just ring the place & book to a party name then pay on our cards/whatever. People can then post in the thread to let us know they are booked in & we can get some Real numbers. :)
Sweet vids mate & Thanks, Road looks quite grippy in the vid how did it feel, I see ya get the wheel up at 22 an all. What happened didn't the Dude buy the bike ?
Well Thanks for taking the effort mate & you won't have to worry about me breaking any laws I'm Grandad slow, Agnes is the Mentalist. :D
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