bike riding a few times a week.

25 Jul 2010
just bought a bike so going to be riding say 4 times a week minimum 6 miles at first and building myself up.

i wanted to get fit again but could not be bothered with running as i get board of it.

would this riding be enough to get me fit ?
You might need to define what you mean by fit. It'll get you fitter I'm sure but depending on what you actually want to achieve it might or might not be enough.

If you just want to improve your cardiovascular fitness then yes, that's bound to help. If you want to look like someone on the cover of Mens Fitness then that's not going to be enough.

no don't want to look like arnie lol.
just looking to improve my fitness as at the moment i run out of energy very quickly so hoping this will make me feel better.
Based on that it's primarily cardiovascular fitness that you want so go for it, don't overdo it at the start and injure yourself but apart from that it sounds fine. If you're running out of energy it might be a diet thing as well, it will unsurprisingly have a huge impact on how you feel.

yes going to look at the diet side of things.
i am only a tad overweight so should sort that out very quickly.

thanks for the advice.
Just do whatever is comfortable for a while if you haven't done much exercise recently.

we have had 3 children all pretty close together so the last say 5 years i have had no time to exercise properly.
even playing football stopped.

i will keep pushing myself no matter how much it hurts me. :)
You don't need a gel seat imo, I don't use one and do quite a fair bit MTB. Though I do have quite a decent seat, not sure what it is but the previous owner upgraded it I'm sure.

Possibly your posture on the bike is wrong, but I wouldn't bother with a gel seat. Loads of videos showing how to set yourself up correctly.

the seat on the bike now is very skinny with hardly any padding at all.
ok this is my 2nd outing on the bike.
was a little windy.

It's good that you're using the bike and getting out there but as vonhelmet says a road bike (or even just a better mountain bike) will make a huge difference to your speed. It's nominally a full suspension bike but cheap full suspension is much more hassle than it is worth - perversely it'll probably get you fitter though since you're struggling against ineffective suspension which absorbs much of the effort you put in by bobbing around and the weight will also factor into making it more difficult than it needs to be.

If it works then keep using it until it breaks or you feel the need for something a bit lighter/faster/better. :)

i know what your saying, when i was pelting my legs down the bike felt spongy.
i will keep it for now and just rag it until im ready for a better bike.

im going to venture over to delamere forrest one day and hammer it around the forrest.
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