biker on my daily commute slaps cars.

14 Nov 2004
Hayle, Cornwall
Im very conscientious when I drive, I see a biker I leave more room for them to ride the middle part of the road, on my daily commute there is one biker who will slap any cars that hold their line or don't see him (the latter group I can understand more). he points at them and points to his in open them and watch out for bikers.

the slapping of cars is really starting to bug me.


he'll slap the wrong one one of these days and crushed legs will be a result!!

just wait till they see you and move over,rev engine if need be
I wouldn't tolerate it from a car driver so I sure as hell wouldn't tolerate it from another biker, ide be having words with the cocky nob pdq if he did it to me.
no need to slap cars,

whats everyone in a rush for anyway? nice sunny weather chill out and be patient

if he slapped my car he'd be on his ass
I was riding down a bus lane the other day and there was a bus behind me. Someone at a bus stop put their had out for the bus to stop and I considered high fiving him but the image of me losing control entered my mind so I rode by sniggering.
These types annoy me immensely. It's the same with a few cyclists that shout if a car comes within 2 meters of them. It's up to the biker to filter when it's safe - it's completely legal but not a third lane!
I was riding down a bus lane the other day and there was a bus behind me. Someone at a bus stop put their had out for the bus to stop and I considered high fiving him but the image of me losing control entered my mind so I rode by sniggering.
That would have been awesome - but I can definitely see why you didn't.
Hes going to slap the wrong car sooner or later. I'd like to be there to see the outcome :D
It depends on the circumstances. If he is just slapping cars willy nilly because they are in his way then he is a bit of a knob. You don't strictly *have* to move over to let bikers pass through traffic.

If he taps cars which are being driven by utter numpties that carve him up or almost knock him off then I understand it.

Thinking about this reminds me of a video I saw on YouTube of an angry biker riding alongside a car and kicking it, resulting in him being flung off of the bike. :p
I considered high fiving him but the image of me losing control entered my mind so I rode by sniggering.
You probably wouldn't have lost control... but even at 20mph, it would have hurt both of you a LOT... I speak from experience!

It depends on the circumstances. If he is just slapping cars willy nilly because they are in his way then he is a bit of a knob.
Very much so. Probably one of those Summer Riders who usually drives a car, but thought he'd get a bike so he can misbehave on it and live up to every bad rider stereotype, because that's what he thinks bikers do...
Could be an older guy. Apparently this used to be quite common practice, probably because everyone was in a British Leland pos and nobody minded.
quite a few bikers in London fit really loud zauts and then rev their engines to try and get car drivers to move over for them as well. I've had a few non biker friends come up and ask me why they do this stuff and all I can do is shrug and say they are just ****. It's just intimidation really and as far as I can tell just causes even more resentment and friction between car and bike drivers.
tbh if you deliberately move into his path you will be 100% liable for the crash.

It's at your own risk, and you shouldn't cause conflict with other road users.

I wouldn't for one second advocate driving a car into a motorcyclist ( it's a pretty stupid thought to have) but positioning yourself (safely and with plenty of time) so that it isn't practical for him to filter past when he eventually gets to you is what I was suggesting.

As a motorcyclist of 22 years, I only ever filter through stationary traffic, and if there is a gap that I can't get through, I just wait.
Wow, really? So slow moving traffic with an empty opposite lane and you'll resolutely sit in behind the queuing cars, even on a B road through a village?

I used to do the same because as soon as the traffic is moving while you lane split, or you are driving on the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic, you're putting your life into the hands of the average idiot and hoping that he doesn't do anything stupid.
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