biker on my daily commute slaps cars.

Does make me wonder why some bikers don't filter. I almost feel like I shouldn't go past a full biker as I'm just on l plates :p

It's not rushing, just gradually overtaking. If anything slow moving traffic is better as the gaps are generally bigger between cars. You can always see the knobs who won't let you in a mile off. Makes me laugh, I'll be past you in the next 5sec anyway so what's the point? :p
He's a chode.

On a similar note, I'm almost offended when a biker doesn't acknowledge me moving out of the way. Either with his knee, or hand or whatever.

Once when I folded my mirrors in on the way to the Blackwall Tunnel, he stopped and personally thanked me :D

Common courtesy - that guy is a total choad!
you get most of your punctures through filtering,thats what ive found (all that crap and debris lying at the side of the lanes/road)

does make me think twice sometimes
People moving 'out of the way' is always a funny one for me.

On one hand if you're taking a normal lane position I'm only go in past when opposite half of the road is empty, maybe you've had idiots go past with oncoming traffic. Also when you see the swerve as they belatedly see you... doesn't inspire confidence to trust anything they may be doing to 'help'.

On the other, if you move over at least I know you've seen me. Though often it's easier if I haven't been seen, as - as I said above - I don't take liberties in the same lane, or indulge in lane splitting.
I could quite easily kick the **** out of some peoples cars when they casually try to wipe me out but riding a bike is all about **** You I'm off.
I don't have to slap or bash cars as I just leave them in the traffic whilst I ride off Free as a bird.

The **** the OP is on about is the kind of **** that gives us a bad name.
Use a pin to angle your screenwash nozzles out sideways. Give him a faceful as he comes past.
Maybe fill the screenwash tank with orange tango or something. (Nice and sticky).

Disclaimer before I invoke the wrath:
(Joke post. DON'T do this please, it won't help...)
Use a pin to angle your screenwash nozzles out sideways. Give him a faceful as he comes past.
Maybe fill the screenwash tank with orange tango or something. (Nice and sticky).

Disclaimer before I invoke the wrath:
(Joke post. DON'T do this please, it won't help...)

This is almost a good idea, except it isn't. :p
People moving 'out of the way' is always a funny one for me.

On one hand if you're taking a normal lane position I'm only go in past when opposite half of the road is empty, maybe you've had idiots go past with oncoming traffic. Also when you see the swerve as they belatedly see you... doesn't inspire confidence to trust anything they may be doing to 'help'.

On the other, if you move over at least I know you've seen me. Though often it's easier if I haven't been seen, as - as I said above - I don't take liberties in the same lane, or indulge in lane splitting.
Speaking as a driver who doesn't ride, I specifically move aside a little when a bike is approaching. Not because I expect them to use the few extra inches to go past me even in the face of oncoming traffic, but specifically so they know I've seen them and I'm aware of their presence.
I also exaggerate my looks in the mirror for the same reason.

They probably all think I'm a right weirdo.
I usually keep my lane position unless I'm in very slow moving traffic, in which case I will move over to let them pass.

Sometimes if they are hugging the back corner of the car waiting to overtake I'll move over to get rid of them as well, because I feel like they are a danger to themselves when they are so close.

It annoys me when they don't acknowledge what you've done though. I used to ride pillion with Dad and he always 'said thanks'.
Open the door in his face then cave his head in with a tire iron.

Or ignore him unless he slaps your car (in which case do the above).
They probably all think I'm a right weirdo.

For Truth mate we breath a big sigh of relief that at least 1 car driver has seen us. When a car does it to me I give a left arm out big thumbs up. :)

I am lucky though as I do live in a very Biker friendly area. When I ride down South the World seems to change & it feels like you are at War. :p
Speaking as a driver who doesn't ride, I specifically move aside a little when a bike is approaching. Not because I expect them to use the few extra inches to go past me even in the face of oncoming traffic, but specifically so they know I've seen them and I'm aware of their presence.
I also exaggerate my looks in the mirror for the same reason.

They probably all think I'm a right weirdo.

This ^
I do it so the rider has a better view of the road ahead and can choose to overtake should they so wish.
It is up to the Biker as well to make himself be seen, I ride up behind a car hoping he sees me in his wing mirror & if he hasn't seen me I will move across my lane towards the centre hoping he sees me in his centre mirror, I don't harass motorists or get angry at the ones who don't, I am just happy to Thumbs up those who do.

I think the one time that does get messy is when a car driver does something that risks bad injury to the biker, The car driver doesn't even know how close he has come to putting someone in hospital or even killing some one, If he did then he wouldn't have made such a rash/stupid manoeuvre. The bikers blood is boiling because he knows how close he came to getting some serious pain.

Car drivers all Whoops Sorry mate :o & the Bikers all like You could have ******* killed me !!! :mad:

Like others have said, he will do it to the wrong person at some point.

I will try to leave room for a biker if I see them - the problem is that they often come up so quickly that I don´t have much of a chance. It is crazy to see some of the things that bikers do in traffic - I certainly wouldn´t do that if all I had was a protective jacket between myself and the traffic/road.
I can relate to the above, I had a van driver swerve towards me on the motorway and start laughing. Scared the absolute crap off me and I nearly fell off the side of the bike trying to get away from the van. We hit traffic a few moments later and it was standstill so I got off and walked up to his window to have a word with him, he just laughed before I even said anything and shut the window on me....I walked off and he blipped his horn and waved me over again so I went over to him again, he admitted he knew what he had done and thought it was hilarious and shut his window in my face again while laughing... he lost his wing mirror for his trouble.
... And then the van driver got out of the van, and you had an epic battle, jumping from stationary car to stationary car, throwing blows at each other?
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