biker on my daily commute slaps cars.

Clearly you're not!

Moving past traffic is just convenient though, doesn't need to mean you're in a massive rush or something.

Perhaps, I think the difference is I have not had to ride because I have had to "get" somewhere for a good few years now, so I just don't need to make progress.

I ride two up, at my own pace, not taking any risks.
It may have been yes but I was not exactly thinking about that at the time, reflecting back on it after the incident and after I had calmed down I realised it was a pretty stupid thing to do as I was stood there next to his van and my bike was infront of his van but I wasn't exactly in the best of moods after his attitude and actions.
Not to mention he probably cut every other road user up that day without the mirror! Personally I condone what you did.
Does make me wonder why some bikers don't filter.
Sometimes I'm just not in the mood - Friday evening after one **** of a week, I'm tired, relaxed and just ambling home. Let the 'Blades and 'Busas go speeding past... I'm just happy to be on the bike.

On a similar note, I'm almost offended when a biker doesn't acknowledge me moving out of the way. Either with his knee, or hand or whatever.
I will... if it's safe.
But cars rarely drive in a straight line, so even at 10-20mph through stationary traffic, I'm sometimes too busy steering around them to take a hand off the bars and wave at you.
But I will if I can, don't worry!

I could quite easily kick the **** out of some peoples cars when they casually try to wipe me out
I frequently (almost weekly) do deliver a warning kick to the side of a car as it drifts into my lane and into range. Strange how they don't see the bright headlight, don't hear the roaring engine or exhausts, aren't even aware of the FRICKIN' LOUD HORN as they come over without even indicating... but wake the heck up and get right back in lane the instant I boot their side panel, eh!!
As ttaskmanager said, I'll thank if there's
1. A reason to - if you move left and I also have a massive other empty lane I'm going through... do you want a thank you for using your mirrors and observing stuff? I know most people don't, but most people don't wash their hands and I still refrain from clapping the few that do.
2. More seriously, if it's safe. As said above, a hand off the bars, or even a foot is a bit dodgy when you're busy. Single car, nothing else to avoid after going past, sure.

Ok bye :).
It is up to the Biker as well to make himself be seen
When riding outside of normal position, yes, I agree. There are things I do even when riding normally that help.
But ultimately, if you can't see a bike (especially a stationary one with loads of lights), how will you see a pedestrian?

I think the one time that does get messy is when a car driver does something that risks bad injury to the biker
Or when a car driver *thinks* the bike can't make it, so pulls over to stop them trying... My boss proudly claims to do this. He's lost a few wing mirrors too, so clearly does it enough to upset a LOT of riders!

It is crazy to see some of the things that bikers do in traffic - I certainly wouldn´t do that if all I had was a protective jacket between myself and the traffic/road.
The crazier part is how many car drivers I've seen trying to do the same things as bikers, along with their added ability to physically bully other road users. Can't recall ever seeing a bike trying to bash another vehicle out of the lane...
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