That's what I did, he was a bit annoyed, but the guy before me told him same thing and I said the intercoms were unclear and really quiet. I would have passed if I hadn't rode so close to a parked car towards the end. He also told me to follow signs towards A Town and there were no signs towards that place, only to B Town. I was annoyed and even though I know roughly the area, I went around the roundabout and caught up to him.
The instructor I had years before was better imho, the examiner too, he gave me instructions twice and said to nod my head left-right twice to signal that the instructions were unclear or intercoms was messing up. I think doing it late around 2PM'ish didn't help, afternoon traffic and tiredness on his and my behalf didn't help. He also took me on the hardest route, not trying to excuse the failure, but you know...
Its so exhausting riding like they want you to...
I wouldn't pass my car license either, if I had to retake the test...