Bikers you hate

Im not talking riding like an idiot :p but surely you must have seen guys just sat there when they can go on the outside as the roads completely free and its not double white, I guess they are the ones who never filter or overtake anyway...
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Im not talking riding like an idiot :p but surely you must have seen guys just sat there when they can go on the outside as the roads completely free and its not double white, I guess they are the ones who never filter or overtake anyway...

Just means there is more space at the front of the queue to wedge your bike in ;)
The queues behind me ;)

I only filter when its safe to do so, Just I see bikes on the road as a means to get through traffic quicker, if I wanted to sit there I would go in the car so I can be warm and listen to the radio :p
I am merely answering the thread, and riders who sit in traffic like their bikes are cars, Well I cant say they annoy me its their ride but I don't see the point in sitting there taking up a car space :)

Bikers intimidating other bikes / cars now that really is a hate of mine, riding inches away from them and overtaking whenever there's a 2ft gap.... your not ghost rider and your going to end up on someones bonnet!
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When I give people the nod and they don't give it back.

It's usually Sports bikers on weekends, so I guess they class in the look cool but ride like a tool category? :)
When I give people the nod and they don't give it back.

I find most sports bike riders give me a nod; IME it's most often people riding cruisers and Goldwings that seem to be a a bit 'superior' and ignore me. Can't say it greatly annoys me though, I'm usually having far too much fun.
I don't think I have ever seen a cruiser nod or do anything, even when I passed a few when I was riding a Fatboy!
Their faces are probably fixed in that position from wearing those potato masher helmets all the time :p
You get taught how to filter?

While I say teach, it is not like most new riders have the confidence to know or experience doing so, its not something covered in the CBT. For example, I have never been told go up the inside, middle or outside, while I was told I cannot go past traffic and pull into the red box at the front for cyclists I see many bikers doing it.

Its also knowing when you can do it, eg it looks clear so you go but you can't get to the front of the queue (either lights change so traffic starts moving or the cars are filling any gaps at the front) so have to find a gap to push in. Should I have gone?
Yea I totally agree Filtering is a massively about confidence, I don't think it should be covered in the test, I think they have to much to worry about already but maybe a sort of Pass Plus for bikers would be a great idea I think, teach about filtering etc..

I don't personally go in the red box for cyclists either, Im not exactly sure we are allowed? anyone confirm? I usually just sit along side a car, that way they know I am there, im not going to get cut up and I will more than likely be gone before they are even into gear.

Oh yea I nod at police riders all the time, always been given a nod back, there a nice bunch really :)
I find the best way to learn & improve is to watch other riders you can spot the good ones they make it look effortless.
I find most bikers give the nod as I’m passing apart from the choppers & scooters.
I find the best way to learn & improve is to watch other riders you can spot the good ones they make it look effortless.

+1 to that, Exactly what I have done quite a lot of the times, on track too, if that guy can do it on 'x' Bike then I can do it too!
apart from the choppers & scooters.

You nod at scooters???? :p

I suppose thinking about it now, the big cruiser/harley riders have been known to lack the nod.

It's just annoying when it's just you and him on the road, about to cross paths. Obviously seen each other. You give them the little nod and you just get them stare at you. Annoys me a great deal.

I always nod at police/ambulance bikers. I've got nothing to fear :)
You get taught how to filter?
I was taught how to filter safely during my DAS course. The instructor had a very good real world approach.
5pm filtering down the Blackwall tunnel northern approach on day 2 of the course was a bit unnerving though!
I was taught how to filter safely during my DAS course. The instructor had a very good real world approach.
5pm filtering down the Blackwall tunnel northern approach on day 2 of the course was a bit unnerving though!

Awesome - I like to do the tunnels on occasion just to feel like im on a ridge racer track :D
Its a good a place as any to learn.
Do you ever nod at Police bikers?

I give the police bikes and cars a nod normally :p

Regarding filtering... I filter where I can, but being a relatively new rider I am very unsure when it comes to filtering on what's acceptable and what's not. I feel a bit cheeky in some situations. I don't need to filter very often on my daily route to work.

More practice is required. Can I follow you around for a bit Fireskull? :D
Haha sure for a week before my arms getting re-broken :p

Its just like anything you get better with experience ;) and dont worry if you feel cheeky or **** someone off, aslong as you dont touch their car :p Some people hate bikes regardless and when your riding past 100+ people you are bound to find one sooner or later :D usually its just people who you can see pull over to block you on purpose or beep you as you go past!
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