Twice here in about 6 years of filtering, once years ago first time I was filtering in London, got abit tight and forgot to check the distance on left hand side, skimmed a vans mirror.
And another one recently
having not ridden for 6 months I was on the Triple filtering down St Cross road into Winchester and naked bikes are great as their mirrors are easily higher than car mirrors, totally forgot about vans though, they are perfect height for wacking well anyway he was well over in the road anyway and I skimmed his Mirror, barely even touched him didn't even move my mirror, got beeped at though!
And another one recently
having not ridden for 6 months I was on the Triple filtering down St Cross road into Winchester and naked bikes are great as their mirrors are easily higher than car mirrors, totally forgot about vans though, they are perfect height for wacking well anyway he was well over in the road anyway and I skimmed his Mirror, barely even touched him didn't even move my mirror, got beeped at though!