Bikers Youtube thread

How do they spill so easily? Don't they have a lid?

It doesn't take much just a dribble is enough to make a long streak - when they fill up they'll brim them, and the tanks are between the wheels on the cab, obviously when turning tight to the right the diesel slops about above the fuel cap and some will spill out.

Could also be a car with a dodgy filler cap, not always lorries.

This is the one on my commute,0.3974228,3a,75y,189.05h,83.05t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdTZ7v5VCesIMaLW4OEqHfA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en if you spin to the right you'll see the petrol station.

I always take the right lane to go straight on, partly because of slower cars, but also because I don't have to lean much in the wet and avoid oil/diesel on the outside (exactly where that lorry is)
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TBH if you do that sort of stuff on the road, AND film it, you deserve all you get. Time and place.

The road isn't the place for standing on the seat wheelies or undertaking at 130mph...
They calculate your speed from the line markings on the road.

Notice those videos have no speedo etc in them either ;)

You're right, its not that accurate surely? Wouldn't the speed varied depending on how many FPS the video was shot at? I guess the difference wouldn't be that big...
If police accident investigators can calculate speed from a set of skidmarks I'm sure they'd have no trouble working it out from a video.

Just a simple distance vs time. If it's 30 fps or 60fps that would mean (I think!) that 60fps would be half the speed of 30fps. It would be pretty obvious if they're going 130mph or 65mph... ;)
Seems like they'd have to serial offenders for the police to go to that much effort when there is no horrible crash or something to start investigating from.
You're right, its not that accurate surely? Wouldn't the speed varied depending on how many FPS the video was shot at? I guess the difference wouldn't be that big...

Why do you think they all say average speed in the video rather than peak speed? Frames per second has no impact.

Yes it's very accurate, and enough to convict you.

The only tricky thing is if you have changed the speed of the video, but as someone who used to work in computer forensics I know how easy that is to check and reverse.
You can, if you blur our pretty much everything e.g. Speedo, reg plates, signs with town names etc. :p

I was going to do this but as has been pointed out no speed was shown just worked out from the markings. I wasnt doing wheelies down the road or anything just a bit of spirited riding :D:D
YouTube search for:

"Motorcycle Hits DOG, Rider Almost Hit by Semi"

Won't link due to language but about a close call.

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