Bikers Youtube thread

Nah you'd have been fine for that. As long as there isn't excessive swearing or blatant swearing we'd let it slide. Of course we don't want to encourage lots of vids with swearing, but we're trying to use a little more discretion with how we deal with a little bit of swearing on videos.

Please do not read this as an excuse to go mad and upload vids with lots of ****** and blinding.

The link to my youtube got modded :mad: and the only video I can think of that has swearing in was my main crash and the use of the F word was entirely appropriate :D;)
He's not that aggressive, he just likes to dominate in traffic.

This is what I call aggressive filtering...

I really enjoyed that! :D

I liked how it started off normal then.... oh there he goes, silly speed down the middle of stationary traffic
all I could think of was what an ******** :rolleyes:

just one late pull out/lane change it would have been game over(like in that game road rash when you go flying in the air for miles lol)
He should carry an Organ Donor Card, but I suspect the forces involved in the accident that will kill him in the very near future will render them unusable for transplant.
Riders like that give bikers a bad name, that is one of the stupidest filtering videos I think I've watched, won't be getting away with that every time.
In the 80s or 90s some dude used to do the m25 near on flat mcn had an article on him he tried the same in other countries and the inevitable happened.

Friend showed me a video that was doing the rounds at the time not sure if it is on youtube mind blowing.
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