You sure? That looks like a pretty good normal ADSL Max line to me.Down sync is low (39% of the theoretical maximum).
Does anyone else have issues with reconnecting to the internet after the 7800N has been idle for a short period of time? I've got my connection set to always on but whenever I connect with my laptop, phone or desktop it takes ~40secs for the 7800N to respond, in the meantime everything just times out. I can ping the router just fine during this period though.
No, what firmware are you running ?
*make sure you know your username & password for ADSL account, and the default admin/password for the router
Do a full factory reset on the router, it may flush out any ghost settings. Then configure it again, worth a shot
Does the Billion 7800 have holes/grooves for mounting on a wall?
also, how do you tweak the SNR on it? Is it via 3rd party app/firmware? How easy is it to do compared to the Netgear DG834GT?
You can't tweak the SNR on DG834GT (with std firmware)
DSP Firmware Version A2pB025f.d22k
DMT Status No Defect
Operational Mode ADSL2+
Upstream 1313
Downstream 22041
SNR Margin(Upstream) 6.8
SNR Margin(Downstream) 1.4
Line Attenuation(Upstream) 6.9
Line Attenuation(Downstream) 13.5
Cool. Which way up does it go? Network ports down would be easiest, but not a deal-breaker.
You can via the command line/telnet. Unless I don't have standard firmware (was bought second had but appears to be V1.03.22.
OK I love this router, taken me from a patchy 2200kbps line to a stable 3100kbps line so sweet.
Question though, I set my snr to 75 to bring my snr down to just under 6db. The line trained to 3500kbps but has ended back down over a few days, while the snr has climbed to 9.6db. Is this the Telecom dslam trying to compensate?
Does it mean I can tweak the snr even more aggressively?
..and thanks to dmsims for the review and the thread, helped a bucket load!