Bioware's Anthem

Looks great visually but struggling to feel the game. Plus frostbite engine so probably gonna be buggy as **** for months on release.

Think its going to be one of those games that is 50/50 on epic or epic fail.
My 1st thought was crysis coop, could be interesting, looks good, but worryingly that vid reminds me of the division trailer somehow, maybe its the voice acting.
Looks great visually but struggling to feel the game. Plus frostbite engine so probably gonna be buggy as **** for months on release.

Think its going to be one of those games that is 50/50 on epic or epic fail.
Looks like a destiny clone in terms of gameplay. Looks great graphically though so will keep an eye out. Not due til late next year though so not going to board the hype train yet
Is this the game that Mass Effect Andromeda was supposed to be? Certainly appears to lend from it quite a bit.
Looks interesting but reminiscent of the original Destiny and Division trailers. I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Game looks damn good, but why oh why do they showcase it being played by a bunch of what I imagine to be millenial hipsters? Who actually speaks on coms like that?
Game looks damn good, but why oh why do they showcase it being played by a bunch of what I imagine to be millenial hipsters? Who actually speaks on coms like that?

They're actors following a script, seems to be an increasingly common thing these days, The Division did the same thing. Companies seem to do it to try and suggest people roleplaying as the characters or something, whereas of course we gamers know that comms are usually more like

player 1 : **** my mouse is all over the place
player 2 : afk bio
player 1 : damnit, what an ******* , 1 player down already then
player 3 : IS MY MIC LOUD ENOUGH??
player 4 : Jesus !! turn it down
player 2 : bk , what we doin?
player 3 : Sorry
player 4 : **** come on guys, lets get going, I've only got half an hour
player 1 : wtf did you join for if you only have half hour??
player 3 : *plays some rock music down the mic at max volume*
player 4 : christ , turn that **** off !
player 3 : **** you
Player 3 has left the game
Player 1 has lost connection
player 4 : Well this was a waste of ******* time
Player 4 has left the game
player 2 : k guys, I'm ready to go......guys?
So this is their "Bob Dylan" then?

Part of me is reluctant to support bioware if the apparent mess of MEA's development and apparent creative conflict between Edmonton/Montreal is true. Then add to that EA's bull**** at trying to gouge as much money from the player as possible (I'll even admit I cheated in MEAMP to gain credits in order to unlock multiplayer characters/weapons because of their "let's milk players for as much as possible through microtransactions" RNG system. I don't care if I get banned from MEAMP I'm highly unlikely to play it again anyway).

Regardless this game looks good so let's wait and see how it ends up.
Bets on it being downgraded? :p ;)

Does look amazing though and very much like division but as we all know, that got downgraded big time :( Still a good game but meh!
On a second watch I'm thinking while the environment is stunning (I don't think environmental artists/designers get enough credit sometimes when their work could easily be displayed in a big gallery), the gameplay seems too... boring?

I dunno, it just looks like a derivative of Halo/Destiny/Borderlands/Titanfall/"Insert generic "Iron Man" style supersoldier game"... not really feeling it if the combat is that boring, especially how even with the flaws Mass Effect Andromeda's combat was one of its best features, with some fun and interesting power combos.

I hope the story's good because otherwise I might just give this a miss.
So the new amazing IP is a EA's desperate bid to get on the Destiny train. Great...

Bioware threw Mass Effect under the bus for this and I only hope Coop FPS fans love it and it's the greatest thing ever, but it does nothing for me.

If it "under performs" (, which doesn't seem that unlikely) will Bioware finally join the list of Origin, Westwood Maxis and Bullfrog?
They're actors following a script, seems to be an increasingly common thing these days, The Division did the same thing. Companies seem to do it to try and suggest people roleplaying as the characters or something, whereas of course we gamers know that comms are usually more like

Does make me laugh - practically no one roleplays the characters or over-articulates minute details of what they are doing unless its required for intel purposes/squad leader, etc. it just cheapens a game for me when they use that kind of marketing as it gives the impression they don't understand their audience which isn't a great start.
Beautiful looking game, up there Battlefront 2, though I'm assuming it's running on the Frostbite engine too. Not sure it's my kind of game though, could be boring as hell
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