Bioware's Anthem

I was looking forward to this but with the microtransaction fail with Star Wars I've gone to cautiously optimistic until details have been revealed regarding what's in crates or not.
From what we've seen it seems like scripted zero substance rubbish, unoriginal in every way possible.

Hopefully they add at least some inspired ideas before release.

Still think it looks great, they are billing it as co-op though and I'm not one for being able to commit to organised gaming sessions.

I was under the impression it'll be playable as SP, but will be tougher going it alone?

'Billing' probably the wrong word, pushing it as a co-op would be more appropriate, I tried Destiny 2 and don't like the 'hub'? thing that loads of folk running about doing stupid stuff when you just want to go solo so never got into D2 with the 'run to here' and ask for a mission(don't even know if I'm even explaining it well:confused::p), I just want to jump into a mission and go play blow stuff up, and what Iv'e seen i want to play it-but mostly on my own, got to be in the mood for co-op and that's not very often.
At first it looked meh but watched more and liking the look of it even if it is a destiny 2 rip off (still looks better than destiny 2 though.....), looks like it will be a fun and immersive game world to explore.
At first it looked meh but watched more and liking the look of it even if it is a destiny 2 rip off (still looks better than destiny 2 though.....), looks like it will be a fun and immersive game world to explore.

Opposite for me - I was tentatively interested at first but increasingly getting the feeling it is going to have sub-optimal implementation of basic RPG lite/looter shooter mechanics that won't be hidden by a fancy shell bolted over the top. There seems to be a too much reliance on amazing sounding ideas on paper that I know from experience you just can't shoehorn into a game without the end result being anything other than mechanics that get in the way either detracting from the overall experience and/or either irritating or boring to deal with once the novelty wears off after the first time. Unless a lot changes before release I feel like it is going to be Brink all over again (which wasn't necessarily a bad game but had too much detracting from what could have been a great experience).

If anything it is pushing my interest towards TD2 now.
I liked the bit where you wore a high tech suit and roamed around a massive open world and shot guns at things then collected loot

So innovative, as Phil Spencer said we truly have reached new heights of creativity in gaming
Still waiting for how much they are going to try shafting gamers for extra money or lock things away behind loot crates like Battlefront 2 again.
Signed up, the play windows are a bit limiting though! Guess its just an Alpha.

Interested in this as I get it anyway with Origin, if its any good I will get my boy a copy so we can play, if its crappy we will just share the copy will bored.
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