Bit of a pickle - women trouble....

23 Oct 2004
East Riding of Yorkshire
OK before anyone judges me I realise I have brought this upon myself and have no-one else to blame. My simple story is thus:

I have been seeing a lass for nearly a year and its been ok. The major downfall is that there doesnt seem to be any "spark or magic" that there has been with previous relationships. I just seemed to have fallen into a routine with this lady and it plods along ok.

My main concern is this - when I finish uni this year I will be (hopefully) working and starting a career. Now my current gf works full time in the evenings. If we do stay together and go the distance - we will realistically only see each other at night in bed as I will be working 9-5 and she will be working 5-11.

Now here comes the interesting bit... I was registered on a date site and by chance looked it up and saw that I had a fair amount of messages from ladies. One in particular lives near me and is quite attractive and being an idiot that I am replied. We get on quite well and she has expressed a strong interest in meeting up. I haven't told her I am currently seeing someone (I know - i'm an idiot!) and I just dont know what to do. She sends me pics of her from her mobby and calls me a fair bit over the last few days and luckily enough I have managed to keep this from my current gf due to her working hours.

I do not know what to do. Do I meet up with this new lass this weekend and see how things go or what???

I am not a bad person really and am no way a player but I think my main concern with my current gf is whether it will last due to the potential different working hours - is there any point being with someone that you will only see in bed each night and on sundays???

I need some advice and opinions on this matter as it's really eating me up inside and I dont know what to do.

Do I stay with the gf of nearly a year even tho there is no spark and potentially I will see less of her once i start working?


Do I see this new lass and see if things could develop with her?

If i dont see this new lass - how do i tell her I dont want to see her without hurting her feelings?
she has told me tho that there are blokes out there already with a gf n they jus want a bit on the side with her n that she thinks they are scum! As a result I had already told her i was single!
If I was happy in my current relationship then I wouldnt even consider meeting another lass. It's been nearly a year now and altho I have feelings for her I cannot tell her I love her as it wouldnt be the truth

**EDIT** this has been something of an issue with my current gf as she keeps asking me if I love her and from the word go i told her this - "I will not say "i love you" until i know i mean it as the word love gets used too much in todays society and it loses it meaning"
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This is indeed the quandry because I do not believe in cheating! My parents divorced and I vowed never to do it. But i just dont know what to do - stick with a relationship that is just so so or possibly start a new one where there may be a spark.
I have been **** on in the past with regards to relationships and find it very difficult to open up to someone. It was 2 years of singledom before my current gf and I became an item. Now is it a case of better the devil you know or........
What also concerns me tho is if I stick it out with the "routine" of being with my current gf - the whole working issue is going to severly put a strain on the relationship as we will effectively hardly see each other :(
I too used the quoted philosophy with my wife at the start, but it wasn't too weeks before I was blubbing " I love you " to her. emotion takes over, if you don't say it after a few weeks, I would say move on.

I have had real personal issues with opening up enough to someone to even try to say "i love you". I really dont think I could.
I know this sounds crazy but I'm glad I feel guilty about thinking about meeting up with this other woman. It tells me that there are some feelings there....
I think there have been some fair and valid points made so far - cheers guys. It's deffo food for thought.....
My mate uses the same site I did and I saw him last weekend. Needless to say he logged in and it was only by chance that I thought I would log into my old account to see what was going on - thats when an attractive lass takes an interest in me and I lose all coherent thought....
My current gf has also mentioned lately that I may be close to losing her if i dont buck my ideas up a bit - EG make more of an effort. We definitely have, it seems, fallen into a steady routine or rutt, as u will and so should I risk losing out on a potential new lady only to possibly have this relationship finished shortly down the line?
Amleto said:
@ Alty:: you having troubles finding the edit button? :p

I am just posting things as I think of them - If i use the edit button then there is a chance that something may be overlooked and glanced over when trying to read the new posts.
Why do I let myself get into these stupid bloomin situations :(



am in a relationship of nearly a year with a lass but there is no spark and in the future is the possibility of only seeing her at night in bed and on sundays.

I stupidly checked my old date site messages and an attractive lass who lives nearby has taken a real interest and wants to meet up.

:( :( :(
Raymond Lin said:
Because you are not happy with your current girlfriend.

I may not be over the moon with the current relationship but am content with it at the mo - however, with the future working hours looming over our head - where does that leave us?


would you be happy in a relationship that consisted of only seein your partner in the evenings at bed and on sundays???
OK peeps - I have come to a decision!

I am going to talk to the current gf tomorrow about the future work hours etc and air my concerns to her n see what she thinks.
Deadly Ferret said:
What I do when I'm unhappy with a barmaid is offer her a transfer to another pub in the company on the grounds that things aren't working out, and then I find a better model. In your situation, the only difference is you found the replacement before you passed the ball.

You may have hit the nail on the head!!!
had to post one more time cos i didnt want that last one to end it on number 666 :eek:
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