** BitFenix Prodigy M - The Evolution of a Legend **

Have on of these pre-ordered, but really starting to consider swapping to a TJ-08E. It's layount is probably better, plus it's smaller without the handles.

Only thing putting me off is the width as the TJ08 may make it tricky for me to re-use my Silver Arrow (though the heatsink clearance of my FT02 is meant to be the same, and it fits in there) and that the Prodigy probably will look better in the lounge where it's going to be.
I think airflow wise it would make a lot more sense the other way up... Due to the design of graphics card coolers, heat rising and all that jazz.
I ignored the inner holes that would make for the 120mm fans, so I kinda answered myself.
The 200mm bottom fan is for sucking air, the one at the top will push it out, as with the rad's. I guess direction is just a matter of flipping back the fan...?
I opened a ticket asking when this case would be available, because stupid me ordered it without realising that it was Pre-Order only. We should get an update tomorrow!
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