do we have a guild going yet?
Anyone running the game at 1440p with a 970 or 390? My 7850 isn't cutting it any more but i'm also toying with the idea of a new 1440p monitor. I don't want to buy a new GPU and new monitor only to end up back down at 30-40fps like i am now (mix of med+high).
How does this compare to Blade and Soul? I've watched a few gameplay videos and it looks pretty good. Shame the blader isn't available yet, seems like something I would enjoy.
Anyone know where horse spawns are?? All the maps i can find are in korean so cant figure out where it says they are.
Yeah im in mate
Server maintenance until i start work. Meh.
I looked and left. Still tempted thought just can't see when i'd play it.
Just wish more in the guild would get on chat and take part in some activities. Seems the same handful each time.
~I am shocked that this game isn't more popular here.
I have been playing it for about a month now, and I have to say this is the most refreshing mmorpg I have played in years.
It is complicated to get into, and you will find yourself learning something new everyday you play. You will find yourself lost. You will get frustrated at the lack of hand holding.
But I personally found it liberating to have so much choice in a game. I can do what I want, and achieve what I want, in whichever way I want.
You can literally fight or trade or craft or farm your way to the top here. There really is no set way to do anything.
I really recommend this to anyone who is bored of the typical 'run here' kill this 'do this' type of gaming.
This is sandbox... in the true meaning of the word.
I am in EU Crocus Balenos 1 server.