Black Mesa

It probably includes an announcement that black Mesa will definitely be out before the end of 2011. In fact, they could use the announcement they made in 2010 and before that, 2009, and just change the date!
"Just recently finished On A Rail and the only remaining bits are the very ending of Lambda Core and polishing"

"It's really been in a playtesting phase for about a year or two"

Well, lets hope that it sees the light of day at some point then!
Wow this has been in development for agess! Anyone know how long?

It looked good back in the day when I first saw it. I remember the theme tune being cool :)
the black mesa mod has been coming soon for years. i was creaming my pants when i 1st read about it, now it will" oh black mesa has been realesed lets give it a go"

tl;dr the hype has gone
I've checking the forum pretty much every month, just to see if there's an update and it's always the same. Lost some interest now, however I will still play it when it's released. Looking forward to it, but damn they took their time.
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