Black Ops 3 Beta Code

haha was going to try this thought it might be a open beta :p guess i wont be trying it then after how bad advanced warfare was.
If like the PS, the last day should be open beta for all anyway

Edit Rumours say that Activision will give you two extra codes to invite friends
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Just wait till 2 days into the Beta, they will probably do what they did on the PS4 and make it open Beta :)

Be wary of Amazon - plenty of PS4 users pre-ordered there for a Beta code and never got it.
This is just Titanfall meets COD. Graphics are nothing to write home about but it plays well. I got a really cool end of round kill as someone was flying and I just whipped out the tempest and fryed them mid air. Most people tend to play with that Assasins creed looking character class
Work for PC? and when does it run out?

Its for pc. You redeem the token on the black ops 3 beta site and then you link your steam account and select beta for PC. As for when the beta ends I uave no idea, I assume Saturday.

Edit try redeeming the code on steam first, I sent you both a trust message with the email I got and codes
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Its for pc. You redeem the token on the black ops 3 beta site and then you link your steam account and select beta for PC. As for when the beta ends I uave no idea, I assume Saturday.

Edit try redeeming the code on steam first, I sent you both a trust message with the email I got and codes

Thank you, very kind of you. I'll give it a go :)

Activated by putting into steam. Thanks again!
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Its for pc. You redeem the token on the black ops 3 beta site and then you link your steam account and select beta for PC. As for when the beta ends I uave no idea, I assume Saturday.

Edit try redeeming the code on steam first, I sent you both a trust message with the email I got and codes

Ok I done it, try now.

Thanks a lot I really appreciate that! :)
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