Black Ops 3 Beta Code

Not sure why you would need to beta test a COD game as it's the same thing every year :confused:

I dumped a lot of hours into MW2 & 3 and it was truly awful looking back. Blackops 1 was great but didn't spend anywhere near as much time playing the multi player. WAW was where it was at and was the last decent game.

I have been very cautions around buying any other COD games until they released footag of BLOPS3. It actually looks good despite being a COD game. I'm still slightly reserved about buying the game but that may change with my experience of the beta.

Always looking for a new game to waste time on :D

People trying to sell/swap them on the steam forums #facepalm

oh dear...should be banned for that!!
Purchasing a Beta code lmao,No way would i pay to test a game..even so with it been COD.

I wonder if the game devs will reduce the final game price to say..£19.99 when it comes out for all of those that have tested their game and reported bugs and issues?..nope of course they wont,Still charge you greedy full whack for the same crap that comes out year after year.
I have been very cautions around buying any other COD games until they released footag of BLOPS3. It actually looks good despite being a COD game. I'm still slightly reserved about buying the game but that may change with my experience of the beta.

It isn't a bad game and the boost jumping is literally an access thing, not people pinging about all over the place like fleas.

But the common problems persist, mainly with poor hit reg and P2P lobbies. If you don't mind those things I think you will enjoy BLOPS3, it is far beter than AW.

Personally I can't stand the poor hit reg - it really winds me up and is compounded by P2P and lag comp, both of which can work for or against you to be fair, but the key is consistency. I just cant seem to find it on AW or BLOPS3 (these are the only two CoD games I have played since CoD4)

Plus you can have more than 1 host per match if a host drops out so your ping can jump significantly one way or the other. Spawns are still pretty bad for some game types (looking at you Combine on Dom) although the gunplay feels better overall IMO. Movement is less erattic in the main, but the perks and streaks get a bit silly. No way to be invisible to UAV's, even using Ghost you have to be moving otherwise they pick you out, but thankfully there are lock on missile launchers and the Engineer perk to help take out UAV's.

Overall, if you can overlook the woeful netcode/hitreg, its a pretty good shooter. Much better than AW but the flaws for me are a deal breaker.
Cheers BuffetSlayer - gives me something to look out for if I manage to get on tonight. It's starting to sound just like the BF4

Why can't they just get it right, damn lazy devs...
Cheers BuffetSlayer - gives me something to look out for if I manage to get on tonight. It's starting to sound just like the BF4

Why can't they just get it right, damn lazy devs...

The lag issues are inherent with their server model and will not ever be fixed. They have a few dedis but not enough and a lot of players have to use P2P lobbies that rely on another players connection - so if they are using wi-fi or have an unstable connection, everyone suffers. They try and level the playing field by using an overly intrusive (IMO) lag comp design. Trouble is, because of the poor tick rate of the 'servers' hit reg is dubious to begin with and when you add in lag comp adjustments you can be faced with situations where you empty a clip into someones chest, hit nothing and then die because a player behind you headhsotted you but the server didn't refresh fast enough. When it catches up and tries to resolve the data you see what happened on your screen isn't actually what happened. Very frustrating.

I should stress, though, that is an extreme example. It isn't constantly like that, but it does always feel like it is slightly lagging behind somehow, at least to me anyway. Plenty of WTF moments for me, unfortunately - but I accept my ISP may have had some input to that as it nerfs my connection quality whenever I connect to mainland Europe for some reason :(

Be aware that you will not get enough unlock tokens to unlock everything in the beta, so choose your unlocks carefully. I recommend flashbangs. They are totally OP but fun to use :D

6th sense and Tracker are also OP, but damn useful particularly on Stronghold. The pick 10 system really makes you have to prioritise though. I tend to run the Kuda with reflex sight, quick draw grip and foregrip to reduce recoil then engineer perk with a 4 shot tracking missile launcher as secondary to take down the UAV spam, a flashbang and semtex. If I am simply going for kills I will run the Kuda as above but with silencer, 6th sense tracker and fast hands or something like that.

Also if you play and objective games like Dom, don't bother trying to outflank for the back cap as the spawns are so messed up that you kill a guy at a capping point and they will respawn right next you you almost immediately! :p

Had a few people I just killed literally respawn right in front of my nose - I mean so close we were having Eskimo kisses :( lol

I can't even play it. I just get this
did i read somewhere its on steam now for free if you owned one of the previous 2 cod games?

, if you own either Call Of Duty: Ghosts, Black Ops 2, or Advanced Warfare then you can also get access to the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 beta straight from your download list

I didn't realise this so the code I was sent for myself can probably be used by someone.

Anyone is welcome to try the code IF they don't own any of the games listed above
i have advanced warfare. looks in games list bops 3 beta there. :p

will download give it a try. see if its worth buying.
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