Black Ops 3 Beta Code

hey all.

lately ive been paired with folk from europe, was hoping to get some more folk from Glasgow/UK areas to play with to see if it makes the lag a bit less.

My steam ID is: meekal_8

please feel free to add me, there are around 4/5 of us already, but would be good ot try n get a few more to see if things work better.


Requested, steam ID MiniButch.

Agnostic, give it a go - better to find out for yourself ;)
Try turning off vsync.

The game would not recognise my monitor as 120hz with vsync on and capped FPS to 60. Also remember you have to set your monitor refresh rate in basic settings, then in advanced set your FPS cap to match.

Also make sure you turn off mouse input filtering and acceleration.

Finally, because of how badly BLOPS3 is optimised, you will probably need to turn all graphics settings to medium at most, and possibly consider turning off any anti aliasing features. Even on my relatively powerful PC I was struggling to hit 120FPS, also it might be worth turning res scale down to 0.85 - that gave me a huge FPS boost.

I was happily playing at 120FPS last night after some tweaking, but yeah - it does seem a very badly optimised game.
What you chatting about, it runs like a dream!
Gave it a go, runs like total horse ****, fps was around 160 if not more with the game maxed at 1440P but it just stutters like crazy, don't look that different from the last one.

Why do people still pay for this crap?
Gave it a go, runs like total horse ****, fps was around 160 if not more with the game maxed at 1440P but it just stutters like crazy, don't look that different from the last one.

Why do people still pay for this crap?

You would have thought after the amount of years using the same modified Quake 3 engine it would smooth down to a T now.. it's not like they got to start from scratch with a new engine.

The console kiddies will still buy it as per usual. I'll probably get it from a cheap cdkey site at some point as I only want it for Zombies :o I wish they made a seperate standalone for zombies and just a pure zombies game that would be great.
I cant get a game to play, just before a map loads I get a pop up telling me I'm low on system memory close program, this is with a 3770k 16gb ram and 980 sli on windows 10
I'm going to be cheeky and ask if anyone has a spare key, I believe some steam users are getting the beta for free now as it ends in a couple of days?
Its crap. Its like titanfall but not fun.

I actually find it more addicting than Titanfall. But alas I'm too old for these kind of games now :( Stiff joints and all that don't work well with these shooters no matter how high I set my mouse sensitivity :D
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