Black Ops 3 Beta Code

Have to agree, played a few games and I just don't see where the graphics are. My systems isn't superb or top of the range but it's not comparable to the beautiful graphics of COD2 on the PC, where an old BFG 8800 GTS would make the game look stunning.

I felt this about AW too, that being the first COD back on PC platform since building my rig last Nov.

I will say the gamplay is true to form (it did tempt me to play more), but then again they havent modified much excluding perks/special abilities. I would be interested to see how this performed on the consoles.
If anyone has any codes i would massively appreciate it :D Been looking forward to this game for ages and i would love to get a look at the game!
Steam name: TheAterix (main account) OR Th3Aterix
Have to agree, played a few games and I just don't see where the graphics are. My systems isn't superb or top of the range but it's not comparable to the beautiful graphics of COD2 on the PC, where an old BFG 8800 GTS would make the game look stunning.

I felt this about AW too, that being the first COD back on PC platform since building my rig last Nov.

I will say the gamplay is true to form (it did tempt me to play more), but then again they havent modified much excluding perks/special abilities. I would be interested to see how this performed on the consoles.

not to fussed on it myself ether wish they would go back to making them like mw2 i dont like all this futuristic stuff like running walls and hovering i also prefer the old school perks.
Just tried it for the last hour, runs like poo, stuttery, hit reg is sooooooo bad and yeh another miss for for the 3rd year running.
You guys saying it stutters, it must be your config. Mine is buttery smooth and hitting the frame limit of my swift (144).

I'm wondering if the input lag is down to v-sync. I've not tried again but if I get time tonight after packing for i55, I'll mess around with the config and see if I can improve things. I hope its not going to be a "requirement" for g-sync monitors with these new games to iron out these annoyances.
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