Blairw Summer Weight Loss / Fitness Journal

Not really - was a bit annoyed, my legs just didn't seem to have it! Monday seemed to ruin it for me!!
Saturday Training

'Team Workout' Paired Murph w/ extended run

The work I done (we both had to run the same, and split the other reps)

Run, 1.35 mi
50 Pull-ups
100 Push-up (hand release)s
150 Air Squats
Run, 1.35 mi

Then I decided (despite my hand being ripped open by the pull ups) to set a new Deadlift 1RM. Had more in my, but i couldn't grip the bar properly. Decided I am going to retest everything at the end of my 5/3/1 cycle and update my figures relative to BW then!

10 Deadlifts | 50 kg
3 Deadlifts | 80 kg
2 Deadlifts | 100 kg
1 Deadlift | 120 kg
1 Deadlift | 140 kg
1 Deadlift | 170 kg

Saturday Diet

Horrible - Family BBQ then out to Ed Festival Fringe
Best Estimate - 3500Kcal

Sunday Training

Standard Five A Side

Sunday Diet

Not much better - world buffet for future father in laws birthday - 2800kcals

I need to get control again as I am happy with the training but not with the eating at the moment, no more excuses!
20/04/2015 - 229.4
27/04/2015 - 227.4
05/05/2015 - 225.1
11/05/2015 - 223.6
18/05/2015 - No Weigh In
25/05/2015 - No Weigh In
01/06/2015 - 219.9
08/06/2015 - 221.2
15/06/2015 - 216.6
22/06/2015 - 213.6
29/06/2015 - 210.8
6/07/2015 - 210.7
13/07/2015 - 208
20/07/2015 - 205.5
27/07/2015 - no weigh in
03/08/2015 - 211.1
10/08/2015 - 208.7

Was hoping for a bit more off but a very bad weekend saw to that... will get the stats up tonight as my spreadsheet has went wonky!
Monday Training
I have a horrible cut / blister on my hand at the moment so bench was interesting to say the least! Had more in me but I really struggled with gripping the bar without pain

Warm Up
10 Bench Press | 20 kg
5 Bench Press | 30 kg
5 Bench Press | 40 kg
3 Bench Press | 50 kg
3 Bench Press | 55 kg
3 Bench Press | 65 kg
7 Bench Press | 70 kg

5 Bench Press | 75 kg
5 Bench Press | 75 kg

14 Bench Press | 55 kg

Then Five a sides for 75 Minutes

2146 Decent Macros
Tuesday Training
Warm Up
10 Strict Press | 20 kg
5 Strict Press | 25 kg
3 Strict Press | 30 kg

5/3/1 Sets
3 Strict Press | 40 kg
3 Strict Press | 45 kg
7 Strict Press | 50 kg (+ Set)

Joker Sets
5 Strict Press | 50 kg
5 Strict Press | 50 kg
3 Strict Press | 55 kg

10 Strict Press | 40 kg

Still struggling with my hand!

AMRAP 8 mins: Wall Balls, Skippings, and AbMat Sit-ups : 3 rounds + 12 Wall Balls | 282 reps | Rx'd

8:00 AMRAP:
15 Wall Balls, 9 kg
60 Skippings
15 AbMat Sit-ups

Then 18 Holes at golf :)

Tuesday Diet

2179 with almost exact macros!
Wednesday Training

Warm Up
10 Back Squats | 30 kg
5 Back Squats | 50 kg
5 Back Squats | 65 kg
3 Back Squats | 75 kg

5/3/1 Sets
3 Back Squats | 90 kg
3 Back Squats | 100 kg
5 Back Squats | 115 kg

Joker Set
3 Back Squats | 120 kg

12 Back Squats | 90 kg

Playing football tonight as well :)

Wednesday Diet

Should just be a smidgen over 2200 :)
Thursday Training

Deadlifts with a sore hand... grip was no good today!

Warm Up
10 Deadlifts | 40 kg
5 Deadlifts | 60 kg
5 Deadlifts | 75 kg
3 Deadlifts | 90 kg

3 Deadlifts | 105 kg
3 Deadlifts | 120 kg
5 Deadlifts | 135 kg

3 Deadlifts | 140 kg

13 Deadlifts | 95 kg

Playing fives tonight which is likely to last at least an hour and a half.

Thursday Diet

That's me just finished week 2 of it to be fair mate - will be able to give a good assessment once I am complete.

It is certainly more fun than the 5x5 I had been doing - it is actually beyond 5/3/1 as it includes joker sets and an AMRAP set for each compound.

It does take quite a while in the gym as I am working out with a colleague who is using lighter weights so we need to do a lot of chopping and changing between lifts! Ideally I would be able to get some accessory work in as well.

I need to develop the ability to get out my bed so I can get to crossfit sessions in the morning
Hi mate

Yes I did - I am in at 203lbs :)

I will get my post done tomorrow, including yesterdays & todays lifting stats - I have just been a bit busy with work and stuff!
Need to make sure I keep this log updated! I am still training though so don't

Body update
20/04/2015 - 229.4
27/04/2015 - 227.4
05/05/2015 - 225.1
11/05/2015 - 223.6
18/05/2015 - No Weigh In
25/05/2015 - No Weigh In
01/06/2015 - 219.9
08/06/2015 - 221.2
15/06/2015 - 216.6
22/06/2015 - 213.6
29/06/2015 - 210.8
6/07/2015 - 210.7
13/07/2015 - 208
20/07/2015 - 205.5
27/07/2015 - no weigh in
03/08/2015 - 211.1
10/08/2015 - 208.7
17/08/2015 - 203 Lbs - a huge 5.7lbs loss... I think we can safely say that's all my water weight from my holiday away plus some more!


Average for Week
Kcal - 2639
Protein - 181 (40%)
Carbs - 200(44%)
Fat - 74(16%)

Two big night outs this weekend but the weight still came off! Every other day was just under 2200 :)
Monday Training

Bench Press 10-5-5-3-5-3-7-5-5-3-16 : 3735 kg | 20 kg, 30 kg, 40 kg, 50 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 75 kg, 80 kg, 80 kg, 85 kg, and 60 kg | Rx'd

Warm Up
10 Bench Press | 20 kg
5 Bench Press | 30 kg
5 Bench Press | 40 kg
3 Bench Press | 50 kg

5 Bench Press | 60 kg
3 Bench Press | 65 kg
7 Bench Press | 75 kg

Joker Sets
5 Bench Press | 80 kg
5 Bench Press | 80 kg
3 Bench Press | 85 kg

16 Bench Press | 60 kg

Then done some Metcon work at the box since I was there

Alt EMOM 10 mins: Db Snatch Alternating Arms and Burpee Box Jumps : Completed | Rx'd
Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:
8 Db Snatch Alternating Arms, 22.5 kg (4 Each)
6 Burpee Box Jumps

THEN (After a break)

Every 1:30 for 7:30:
3 Power Cleans, 50 kg
3 Squat Cleans, 50 kg
3 Front Squats, 50 kg

Then at night I played 75 Minutes of Five a side

Monday Diet
2197 Reasonable Macros
Tuesday training

Strict Press 5-5-3-5-3-5-4-10 : 1520 kg | 20 kg, 25 kg, 30 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg, and 40 kg | Rx'd

Warm Up
5 Strict Press | 20 kg
5 Strict Press | 25 kg
3 Strict Press | 30 kg

5 Strict Press | 40 kg
3 Strict Press | 45 kg
5 Strict Press | 50 kg

Joker Set
4 Strict Press | 55 kg

10 Strict Press | 40 kg

Then some snatch work

Snatch 5-5-5-1-2-2-1 : 840 kg | 30 kg, 35 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg, and 60 kg | Rx'd
5 Snatches | 30 kg
5 Snatches | 35 kg
5 Snatches | 40 kg
1 Snatch | 45 kg
2 Snatches | 50 kg
2 Snatches | 55 kg
1 Snatch | 60 kg

And some practise on Toes 2 Bar (I used to be lucky to do a single on these a few months back!!)

Toes-to-bar | 5 reps
Toes-to-bar | 5 reps
Toes-to-bar | 3 reps
Toes-to-bar | 5 reps
Toes-to-bar | 5 reps
Toes-to-bar | 5 reps
Toes-to-bar | 3 reps
Toes-to-bar | 5 reps

Played 18 Holes at night as well :) Won our match play tie so its a decider next week!

Tuesday Diet

2228 Kcals - decent macros
Getting there - 11.5%
I should hit the 2 stone mark shortly, and then soon after see the 100's for the first time in... well my adult life possibly?
I am very happy with my progress and really can't imagine going back - I used to talk the talk when it came to this stuff but now I'm walking it too.
Wednesday Training

An Hour of 9 A side - sweaty stuff

Wednesday Diet
2188 Kcals - decent enough macros

Thursday Training

5/3/1 Session
Warm Up
10 Deadlifts | 50 kg
5 Deadlifts | 60 kg
5 Deadlifts | 75 kg
3 Deadlifts | 90 kg

5/3/1 Sets
5 Deadlifts | 110 kg
3 Deadlifts | 125 kg
3 Deadlifts | 140 kg

Joker Set
1 Deadlift | 145 kg

9 Deadlifts | 110 kg

Then at crossfit tonight


This was actually a complex but not sure I can log that well on my app
Every 1 min for 12 mins: Hang Snatches, Pause Snatches, and Squat Snatches : 12.0 rounds | Rx'd
Every 1 min for 12 mins:
1 Hang Snatch, 55 kg
1 Pause Snatch, 55 kg
1 Squat Snatch, 55 kg


This wasn't exactly it but it was hard to log

Every 4 mins for 20 mins:
6 Deadlifts, 120 kg
Turkish Get Up, 1 min (managed a couple each minute at 18Kg
10 Box Jump (24 In.)s
Handstand Push-up, 1 min (Actually managed a few strict - surprised myself!)

Thursday Diet
Friday Training

Warm Up
5 Back Squats | 40 kg
5 Back Squats | 50 kg
5 Back Squats | 65 kg
3 Back Squats | 75 kg

5/3/1 Sets
5 Back Squats | 95 kg
3 Back Squats | 105 kg
5 Back Squats | 120 kg

Joker Set
2 Back Squats | 125 kg

9 Back Squats | 95 kg

Friday Diet
Going to a race night tonight, few beers and buffet! Will be in the gym tomorrow to make up for it
Body update
20/04/2015 - 229.4
27/04/2015 - 227.4
05/05/2015 - 225.1
11/05/2015 - 223.6
18/05/2015 - No Weigh In
25/05/2015 - No Weigh In
01/06/2015 - 219.9
08/06/2015 - 221.2
15/06/2015 - 216.6
22/06/2015 - 213.6
29/06/2015 - 210.8
6/07/2015 - 210.7
13/07/2015 - 208
20/07/2015 - 205.5
27/07/2015 - no weigh in
03/08/2015 - 211.1
10/08/2015 - 208.7
17/08/2015 - 203
24/08/2015 - 201.7

Would you believe it... .3lbs away from two stone lost!

Average for Week
Kcal - 2600
Protein - 179 (37%)
Carbs - 224(47%)
Fat - 76 (16%)
Last edited:
Monday Training
Warm Up
10 Strict Press | 20 kg
5 Strict Press | 20 kg
5 Strict Press | 25 kg
3 Strict Press | 30 kg

5/3/1 Sets
5 Strict Press | 35 kg
5 Strict Press | 40 kg
10 Strict Press | 45 kg

Joker Sets
5 Strict Press | 50 kg
5 Strict Press | 55 kg
5 Strict Press | 55 kg
5 Strict Press | 55 kg

14 Strict Press | 35 kg

Then Lots of HSPU Work as I just discovered the other day I could do them..

Handstand Push-up | 2 reps
Handstand Push-up | 2 reps
Handstand Push-up | 3 reps
Handstand Push-up | 2 reps
Handstand Push-up | 3 reps
Handstand Push-up | 5 reps
Handstand Push-up | 5 reps
Handstand Push-up | 7 reps
Handstand Push-up | 7 reps
Handstand Push-up | 5 reps
Tuesday Training
I actually followed the strength wod today because I wasn't feeling great so didn't want to squat

2 Push Press | 40 kg
2 Push Press | 50 kg
2 Push Press | 60 kg
2 Push Press | 70 kg
2 Push Press | 75 kg
2 Push Press | 80 kg

Also more handstand work to get used to being upside down - max set of 12 reps
Wednesday Training

5/3/1 during the day, felt week due to the shoulder stuff over the last few days

Warm Up
10 Bench Press | 20 kg
10 Bench Press | 25 kg
5 Bench Press | 30 kg
5 Bench Press | 40 kg
3 Bench Press | 50 kg

5/3/1 Sets
5 Bench Press | 50 kg
5 Bench Press | 60 kg
10 Bench Press | 65 kg

5 Bench Press | 70 kg
5 Bench Press | 75 kg
5 Bench Press | 75 kg

15 Bench Press | 50 kg

Then at night we done 'Hotshots 19' a crossfit hero WOD that was originally to raise money for the 19 Firefighters killed in Arizona a few years back. As it was in class there was a 42 min time limit to allow the next class to start
Looking for 6 rounds to complete but I only managed 5 - was hellish

42:00 AMRAP:
30 Air Squats
19 Cleans, 60 kg
7 Pull-ups
Shuttle Run, 400 m

I then went on to eat a lot afterwards so came in around 2500
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