Blasphemy: They are changing Marmite !

Did anyone the see the program about this?

I think it's on channel 4, follows the ad-men as they develop the campaign for NEW marmite squeezy...

TBH I don't see the point, it's not gonna reduce mess cos for one I'm gonna spread it with a knife anyway, might aswell scoop it out the jar TBH.

Marmite on toast in the morning, I don't understand why you lot find it so vile?

Best thing since sliced bread I tell you.
paul@ said:
Marmite on toast in the morning, I don't understand why you lot find it so vile?

Best thing since sliced bread I tell you.

Salty, yeast extract slapped on pieces of bread is not heavenly... by any stretch of the imagination! :p
I may be a heretic here but...

chicken bovril on toast > marmite.

Marmite is still ace though. I wouldn't mind if they released a squeezy in addition to the normal jar. I do a lot of cooking with my marmite (great in spag bol, shepheds pie etc), and it's a pain getting it off the spoon sometimes.
Barbie said:
I may be a heretic here but...

chicken bovril on toast > marmite.

Marmite is still ace though. I wouldn't mind if they released a squeezy in addition to the normal jar. I do a lot of cooking with my marmite (great in spag bol, shepheds pie etc), and it's a pain getting it off the spoon sometimes.

Place Marmite in microwave for 20 seconds. Mmmmmm, thinner, slightly warm Marmite. Ideal for cooking.
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