Blooded Panda

Cracking choice of fittings you've got there :D It's gonna look awesome when it's finished, especially the custom cards. Can't beat a bit of proper modding, just wish I had the skills you've obviously got! :)

haha, cheers but i wouldnt say i have a high skill, other wise i would have triple checked the inlet/outlet holes i cut into the shroud :( hopefully the second card with be perfect without the horrid square cut of the first

*and yep, you can feel warm air leaving the square cut so the alphacool heatsink must be doing its job right, and also out the rear exhaust- fan will be set for 30%-40% over the range of 30c-40c

hind site i got a bit lazy and chose 16/10mm tubing as i wasnt changing the fittings on the H240X so would reuse their clamps. should have gone for 13/10mm. although the thick tubing does look nice. Either way with having the outlet connecting to the 2nd outlet should make it look a lot cleaner

although, wonder if i have the 90 on the first card facing down with a 45 added, and like wise for the second card facing up with a 90.... not sure if i have the space
Quick blast one unigine heaven left me with this

Other side of the screen had evga PX16 stating 570hz core and 3000/6000hz ram

Leant that any benches doesnt like cam running in background as my clocks were changed.

Ran again with cam closed boosted to 1480hz 7900hz ram, confirmed with px16

Second card, second attempt. Almost got the holes perfect :/

few more teasers...

fill tonight and a ton of cable management to go

torn with gpu cables, was going to put them both in between the gpus the behind the card/against the mobo and out at the bottom cut at the back of the bottom psu shroud but cant due to the heatsink.
next option is to leave the power cable how it is and move the top cable to the cut out at the front of the spu shroud , just slighting to the right.
or 3rd option is to both meet in the middle of the gpus and to the back and behind the cable bar....

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so began the fill and leak test last night/ 5am this morning

no leaks so far. And does need a top up again, havent really noticed a massive hit with the flow of having two GPX visually but I know there is and you can hear a quieter flow of water.

If i do make another 1 or 2 of these, from lessons learnt Id use 13/10mm fittings, hard tubing, would just a hole where the res port is to allow fill/draining, use white tubing between the gpus as couldnt really see the liquid and finally, use white coolant.
Might of been due to house lights and not enough natural light, or LED in the res but ou cant see the blood red to well. Might change in natural light or with the NZXT Hue+ working. But i would get the X2 version so at least thats a clear cylinder design
Things were looking good when you just had the cards in on air. Now you've got the custom loop going all is looking stellar. Real nice work to date.
Things were looking good when you just had the cards in on air. Now you've got the custom loop going all is looking stellar. Real nice work to date.

Thanks , I honestly thought the second part was going to say " now you've got the custom loop it looks aweful" haha.

lessons learnt through this, half tempted for hardlines but want to keep sale cost down.

Seems its started a bit of a trend for Turbo uses to go hybrid and alphacool have the shorts to edit the block so user's wont have to :D hopefully they roll with it and do one as well for the Gigabyte Twin Turbo Card.

One major bug bear is the Phantek 140mm on the 14S.. couldn't fit them in front of the Fins like they should and looks a bit off to me being a row back and closer to the exhaust, also hides the Gigabyte sinks.
May move the Red Fan into the middle and get a Phantek White/Black 120mm to stick at the front.

Only loud part now in the system is the Helix 140 PWMs, but they are hooked up to the Nzxt Grid at a constant 75% load.
I did have Corsair SPs in but they are so loud and the Helix have more static pressure for the same volume. I'll have to play with the Grid and like it to CPU temp. The Trick will be to supply enough air to the system, keep the GPUs cool and avoid hitting over 80%.
CPU idles at 25c with 38c on Firestrike and 80c IBT, whilst GPU idles at 21c and loads up to 40c max, maybe 50c now with SLi at a room temp of 19c.
Think I may set a fan profile 40%@25c and 85%@80c and run a benches.
Quick Vid :)

Hoping this will sell and then I can move on to the next one..
Am eyeing up Gigabyte z170x G1 with XFire Asus R9 390s with eye water savings... just if my baby boy will give me free time. haha
Thanks for the comments through out the build :)

Have ordered a Sandisk Ultra 2 960GB and 2x Parvum F1.0 to replace the two 140mm CPU fans. means i can move them a row farward as the fans are clipping the rubber strip
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Managed to quickly fit 2x Parvum F1.0s to replace the 140mm Phantek ones.
Looks and sounds so much better, and actually able to run them at full speed with no sound compared to previously. Ran Intel Burn Test and hit 89/90c so was 2c lower :)

Was unable to land a Ultra 2 960GB but instead got a Samsung PM951 (Slower then the SM951 but still a low better then a standard Sata 3 SSD), mounted to a PCIe card at the bottom slot.
Quick bench mark of the 256GB 950 Pro vs 512GB PM951

Also have the vinyls for the case with product branding and just awaiting the White Ducky Shine 3 keyboard to complete the build with final system pics :)

Really hope Parvum will get the Wing Boost 2 140mm in white !!!!!!!
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Nice and fair price given all the work you've put into this.

Really hope that this springboards future builds for you fella.

thanks, started to get carried away with the small bits adding to the cost and time.

hopefully i'd like to give this a shot again, specially as i have a G1 lined up, thought of a triple Turbo and triple NVMe would be fun but I think with my little one i'll give it a few months before doing again.

hard finding blower style fans not in quantities of 100 + for 3d printed shroud designs
Ha, my daughter has just learned to crawl as well. Carnage.

Baby gates are all up :) he's also managed to get the PC bug by being on Nzxt media page haha

Speaking of which, nice build selection. Will be sponsored by Alphacool for the Black Blue version with the Gigabyte version of cards

Will also build normal version not being fully water cooled

Such a stunning CPU cooler !!!!
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