BMW M3 Vs Police Camaro Shocking

lol, I love that rubbish program. So full of nonsense. Tyres screeching even when they're going in a straight line and on gravel! :D
Jet said:
Pffff US police suck!!

Watch the legends Pat 'n' Carl on Road Wars to see how it's really done.

The best clip was Pat chasing a joyrider, joyrider crashes, jumps out and Pat runs him down. The look of fear on the guys face and the anger on Pat's was priceless.
He seems to do that a lot actually. Anytime the car stops and someone tries to get ou he just rams the door. Amusing to say the least.

Vanilla said:
I have a videos somewhere of supercop.

Car chase is going on and the cop starts taking shots, then jumps over to the other vehicle and throws the driver out of his own car if I recall correctly.
Got to post that man.
If he got away, hod did they know he was 15. I dont think he got away. Those shows usually exagerate a great deal but they dont blatently lie.

Good chase none-the-less. Would have loved to be driving that Camaro with some of those bars on the front of my car.
Stiff_Cookie said:
If he got away, hod did they know he was 15. I dont think he got away. Those shows usually exagerate a great deal but they dont blatently lie.

Good chase none-the-less. Would have loved to be driving that Camaro with some of those bars on the front of my car.
I think he meant the kid got off without jail time or anything like that.
-Mic- said:
I think he meant the kid got off without jail time or anything like that.

Yeah, his dad probably knows the state governor or something ;)

I saw this when it was on tv..I'd guess the kid has had a go of a car before!
lol, this video is so oooold

Your all kind of right. He was NOT caught by the police on the road. He was caught at home after he escaped and the sherrif's simply went to the registered address of the car. The BMW was his Dads, at which point for the kid the game was up.

Indeed on the program all they showed for him 'breaking down' was a slowed down replay of an earlier moment in the video where he was about make his turn left across the highway. as you say, they cannot show the police to have lost a 15 year old boy driving a car with only '250 horses'

The bit I love about that video is where he goes on about 'the sherrif answers back with the cameros 350 horses'... and all you see is the BMW disappearing off into the distance hahaha
Stonedofmoo said:
.....only '250 horses'

The bit I love about that video is where he goes on about 'the sherrif answers back with the cameros 350 horses'... and all you see is the BMW disappearing off into the distance hahaha

Especially as the M3 didn't have as much as 250 bhp. 238bhp from an Evo or 195 from a std(!) M3.

The problem the Camaro had was that the kid kept going round corners :p
They actually said the M3 had 240bhp, not 250bhp.

But then they ruined it by saying 'The driver guns the supercharged engine..' :(
Go to 3:35. You hear "on George Street". I find this quite funny because you always hear this said in movies and games when there is a some Police chatter over the radio.

Anyone else notice this?
Enfield said:
Go to 3:35. You hear "on George Street". I find this quite funny because you always hear this said in movies and games when there is a some Police chatter over the radio.

Anyone else notice this?

LOL ye they use it in the Grand Theft Auto 5 George Street :)
I remember seeing this on TV... and at the end of the show, the presenter says something along the lines of "police officers are highly experienced drivers and experience will always come first", while showing the M3 breaking down - what cheek! The "experienced police driver" couldn't even stop in time to avoid the M3, what happened, forgot to upgrade the brakes?
energy said:
what happened, forgot to upgrade the brakes?
They were too busy installing ECU and nitrous upgrades :p :D

I love how the presenter constantly belittles the BMW car. Early on he calls it a "barbarian hot rod" then later he says its no match for the Camaro (when clearly it is)! :D
lol was just about to say that..

yeah that kid drove circles around them really... "he made a movement as to swerve in to me"....

So i panicked and over reacted and lost control of my car nearly wiping out a fellow police car in the process....

he nearly lost it trying to dodge their own spike strip lol "lucky the cars didnt roll over" lol yeah right...

Just goes to show you how dumb americans are tho young or old...
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