“Since the enemy has atomic facilities, Islamic countries must be armed with the same capacity”
Ata'ollah Mohajerani, Iranian Vice President, Oct 1991
Will we bomb Iran? no.
Will Israel bomb Iran? yes
Will we publicly support Israel? no
Will Iran be able to retaliate? no
As it would involve breaching Iraq airspace / sovereignty which is basically under American protection thus they can’t respond in any shape or form. (reason for Iraq invasion quite possibly)
Even in the event the launch missiles they will have to travel past American patriot batteries before they reach even Israel patriot batteries.
Will the west or Israel ever make a ground based invasion of Iran?
No because Iran unlike the west can relay on conscription & nationalism as well as religion. The sheer number of men women & children Iran can press in to service & suicide squads would make any ground based invasion doomed to failure.
Can we bomb them back to the stone age ?
Yes but it would make a mockery of everything the free world stands for.
FACT – 70% of Iran’s population is under 30 aka fighting age. However this age group is more westernised & pro democratic.
However an invasion would push into open arms of the current extremist’s via national & Persian pride.
However as the current electrons show the Mullahs are losing there grip slowly & the want for democracy is growing. And if left to there own devises Iran will end up a modern pro western oil rich state but this will take time.
Will Iran in its current state be allowed to develop nukes ? no.
Will we hear about it ? no it will be dealt with….. how we will never know….
By force ? yes may it be by airstrike or my insertion, as airstrikes is not possible at all of Iran’s atomic sites due to there intention proximity to hospitals of oil refineries e.g.
The Karaj Project
The Bandar Abbas Project
Will sanctions work?
Yes as the current Iranian nuclear program relays heavy on Russian, Chinese , German French & Belgian involvement. The last 3 I bet you’re surprised at but these sort of things are quite common.
For example the PSNI ( police service of northern Ireland ) is currently training the Libyan police despite much criticism.
Another example would be the CIA funding al Qaida during the soviet afghan war.
These things happen in the big nasty power play world we live in.
& lastly.
Will Iran have nukes? No for the above reason night night sleep well
& if you want to argue against my points please explain & justify your reasoning.