Bomb Iran?

Nice post.

If you mean nuclear - "Will Israel bomb Iran? yes" - I disagree with this point.

Thanks, Good point to clarify “bomb” I mean a strategic conventional strike by air or missile not “the bomb”,

The Israel nuclear arsenal is basically a statement of “ if we cant have it no one can” Due to the proximity of the neighbours plus water catchment areas e.g. the Golan heights Israel will not use them, due to fallout.
Nor at present to they need to due to the technical superiority of the IDF
Took the words right out of my mouth there...well said mate:)

IF the UK and the Americans decide to attack Iran then heaven help them as its going to be one long war and with massiave casualties on both sides...Iran isnt an Afghanistan or Iraq...

LoL no disrespect to Iran but let's be honest the Yanks would swat Iran like a fly.

We should leave them be, they didn't start attacking us until we invaded them.
IF the UK and the Americans decide to attack Iran then heaven help them as its going to be one long war and with massiave casualties on both sides...Iran isnt an Afghanistan or Iraq...

They could easily attack Iran with few casualties. However invading would be a different mater, but I doubt that is on anyones list.
Why are there a few people saying " Oh America has a track record of using WMD's"?

They used 2 atomic bombs to end the second world war. What if they didn't end the war? Also, I think people comparing allied countries to countries in the so called 'Axis of Evil' is ridiculous. UK has nukes, France has them, Germany, Russia, China. The thing is none of these countries are bedfellows with terrorists, unlike Iran. Come and tell me when you hear of France having dealings with terrorists and then maybe I'll buy your viewpoints. As somebody said earlier it's not a problem that Iran have the weapons and the capability to build more, it's the fact that they already deal with and arm terrorists, now that they have nukes what's to stop organisations like Al-Qaeda from buying and using them? These aren't going to be old, obsolete weapons like the Russians sell.

As for the whole bombing/invading, I think that it's ridiculous to even contemplate military action at the current moment in time. Talks need to be held first with Iran so that we can inspect the facilities, and get numbers on how big their nuclear arsenal is. You don't just go running in and blowing the **** out of things without asking questions first.
that might be how the majority of people vote. But you are actually electing a party not the leader.
This is a met hate of mine with regards to GB.

We voted for Labour (under Blair) and Labour's (under Blair) POLICIES, rightly or wrongly (moot).

When GB took over, Labour (under GB) changed policies to ones we did not vote for.... er... wtf? Dictatorship much


As for Iran, would you really let a kid in the playground pick up a big stick if he had previously threatending to barb your mate? Or would your run off to the teachers // get a bigger stick yourself. Anyone country that wants to wipe another off the map loses international respect.
This is a met hate of mine with regards to GB.

We voted for Labour (under Blair) and Labour's (under Blair) POLICIES, rightly or wrongly (moot).

When GB took over, Labour (under GB) changed policies to ones we did not vote for.... er... wtf? Dictatorship much


How is it a dictatorship?
You are electing a party. If you and others do not have the foresight that the leaders may change and what policies that new leader might introduce. Is your problem, not the systems.
LoL no disrespect to Iran but let's be honest the Yanks would swat Iran like a fly.

We should leave them be, they didn't start attacking us until we invaded them.

No disrespect to the Yanks but if they use airpower then probably yes...but if they decide to do a land invasion then as i said before...heaven help them because they will suffer massive losses...Iran is no slouch nor are they Iraq...they will give the Americans and British a good battering.

But the actuality of a land invasion happening is probably next to none...i dont think the Americans or British are that stupid to even go there.

Personally i think the Americans and British need to keep their noses out of this...perhaps America and the UK should concentrate on their own in house business before meddling in other countries.
No disrespect to the Yanks but if they use airpower then probably yes...but if they decide to do a land invasion then as i said before...heaven help them because they will suffer massive losses...Iran is no slouch nor are they Iraq...they will give the Americans and British a good battering.

But the actuality of a land invasion happening is probably next to none...i dont think the Americans or British are that stupid to even go there.

Personally i think the Americans and British need to keep their noses out of this...perhaps America and the UK should concentrate on their own in house business before meddling in other countries.

Air power wouldn't be easy either. Iran does have up-to-date fighter jets and sam's. These were bought of the US years and years ago. Since then god knows what has been sold to them that we dont know about.
Air power wouldn't be easy either. Iran does have up-to-date fighter jets and sam's. These were bought of the US years and years ago. Since then god knows what has been sold to them that we dont know about.
Wouldn't be a problem.
long range weapons and stealth planes.
I don't think that the Iranians would be hard to fight against, I mean I think they are an oppressed nation dictated by a bad bunch in power. Sure you will get the minority who are sucked into the whole supreme leader thing and will fight for the nation, but I think there is a great deal of people that would embrace the west.
I don't think that the Iranians would be hard to fight against, I mean I think they are an oppressed nation dictated by a bad bunch in power. Sure you will get the minority who are sucked into the whole supreme leader thing and will fight for the nation, but I think there is a great deal of people that would embrace the west.

Yeah like iraq!

Anyway, the US nor the UK would ever bomb iran.

We just dont have the money and the body count would be massive.
But one of the big reasons is the facility is so heavily dug in conventional bombing wouldn't work.

it would have to be some sort of nuclear strike to take it out.

Exactly the point I was going to make. No-one has a non nuclear bomb that would be able to destroy an underground facility similar to the ones built by Iran and North Korea (hence why they built them!)

The US is working on a conventional weapon that would be able to do the job but it's still in development.

Any strike before this would require one or two strikes by "bunker buster" penetrator weapons and then followed up by a low yield nuclear weapon.

We don't want Iran to have any ability to enrich weapons grade materials at all, and theres a reason the ultra left wing, ultra anti war Obama classes Iran's national army as terrorist group and labeled Iran as the single biggest threat to world peace right now.

You don't need weapons grade material for a dirty bomb, the stuff they already have is more than suitable for that task.

Good thing that dirty bombs are completely useless and the actual conventional explosives in them are far more dangerous than the radioactive material.

Agreed. Dirty bombs aren't actually as bad as the media likes to make them out.

As for Israel striking Iran with either convential or nuclear weapons it's not going to happen unless the US wants it to as Israel currently lacks the air to air refueling capability it needs to support the number of aircraft needed (remember it isn't just fighters needed!).

Israel has attempted to purchase additional air to air refuelling from the US with a request made in 2008 for Boeing KC-767J. That request was refused.

Israel would either have to talk the US into reversing that decision, support them with US KC-135 tankers or purchase second hand Boeing 707s and convert them to KC-135s.

I don't think Israel is at the point of where they would go it alone. A nuclear weapons test would, I suspect, be the tipping point.
No disrespect to the Yanks but if they use airpower then probably yes...but if they decide to do a land invasion then as i said before...heaven help them because they will suffer massive losses...Iran is no slouch nor are they Iraq...they will give the Americans and British a good battering.

No Iraq eh ?

And yet, oddly, they were not able clearly defeat Iraq in the first Gulf War.

That suggests they may be quite similar to Iraq after all.
Personally i think the Americans and British need to keep their noses out of this...perhaps America and the UK should concentrate on their own in house business before meddling in other countries.

It's in America's interest because countries are trying to dump the Dollar like it's out of fashion, threatening America's economic might.

Iraq tried switching from Dollar to Euro in late 2000 and look what happened to them, now Iran have announced the same thing (Sep 21st) and couple of days later we're suddenly beating the war drums again, even though we've supposedly known about this 2nd refinery for several months.

The unprovoked "shock and awe" attack on Iraq was to serve several economic purposes: (1) Safeguard the U.S. economy by re-denominating Iraqi oil in U.S. dollars, instead of the euro, to try to lock the world back into dollar oil trading so the U.S. would remain the dominant world power-militarily and economically. (2) Send a clear message to other oil producers as to what will happen to them if they abandon the dollar matrix. (3) Place the second largest oil reserve under direct U.S. control. (4) Create a subject state where the U.S. can maintain a huge force to dominate the Middle East and its oil. (5) Create a severe setback to the European Union and its euro, the only trading block and currency strong enough to attack U.S. dominance of the world through trade. (6) Free its forces (ultimately) so that it can begin operations against those countries that are trying to disengage themselves from U.S. dollar imperialism-such as Venezuela, where the U.S. has supported the attempted overthrow of a democratic government by a junta more friendly to U. S. business/oil interests.

Coincidently Iraq switched back to USD shortly after the invasion.
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No Iraq eh ?

And yet, oddly, they were not able clearly defeat Iraq in the first Gulf War.

That suggests they may be quite similar to Iraq after all.

Iraqi forces failed to make it more than 20 miles into Iran in 6 years. Apart from some random air assaults and ballistic missile launches, the action was concentrated on the southern border. The regular Iranian military didn't join the counterattack in the other direction, it was mostly partisans and other irregulars like the Basij launching human wave attacks during 1986-88 with virtually zero support.
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