Bonkers world we live in.

I read a great article about deep reading a few months ago and it made an argument that it was one of the cultural advantages that allowed North West Europe to pull away from the rest of the World in the mid 1600's and beyond and it is something we take for granted. Reading makes us more sympathetic and able to consider how our actions will affect others, reading challenging material does this even more so. The idea that classics are no longer relevant fails to recognise they are classic less to do with the content but the quality of the writing.

The grievance industry has to move on to the next impossibly tiny slight lest the sledgehammer get rusty and people have to find real jobs.
The idea that classics are no longer relevant fails to recognise they are classic less to do with the content but the quality of the writing.
Perhaps you, as a learned gentleman, and reader of scholarly articles, of the kind that are freely available on The Internet, the vast respository of knowledge, drawn from people, from all walks of all societies, around the world, in which we live, for so many wonderful years, graced and blessed as we are, whether by God or by Nature, can explain to me, in words of your own choosing, as you have been so trained by the systems of education, of this country, in which we live, why on Earth, the planet upon which we live and thrive, Charles Dickens uses so many loooooooooooong and rambling sentences comprising a hundred commas?

I was really looking forward to reading A Tale Of Two Cities, but found his seeming wittery long-winded style such a serious and irritating turn-off, that I gave up within the first few pages.
World would likely be much better if those never existed.

Agreed. But think of the absolute crapfest if you tried to get rid.
Then again, people would find another ideology to latch on to to try and garner and advantage over others.
I did the book in my English lit class. I really liked the book. I liked it so much I got my grandad to rent out the movie for me. The one that starred Gary Sinise and John Malkovich.

hell, my English teacher was black himself and used the book to promote some good debate amongst students about racism.

They‘ll be coming for that nasty anti-Semitic Mr Shakespeare next.
Perhaps you, as a learned gentleman, and reader of scholarly articles, of the kind that are freely available on The Internet, the vast respository of knowledge, drawn from people, from all walks of all societies, around the world, in which we live, for so many wonderful years, graced and blessed as we are, whether by God or by Nature, can explain to me, in words of your own choosing, as you have been so trained by the systems of education, of this country, in which we live, why on Earth, the planet upon which we live and thrive, Charles Dickens uses so many loooooooooooong and rambling sentences comprising a hundred commas?

I was really looking forward to reading A Tale Of Two Cities, but found his seeming wittery long-winded style such a serious and irritating turn-off, that I gave up within the first few pages.

It was written as a soap opera in many parts and published as such in a periodical. Read into that what you will but Dickens style does put off quite a few readers expecting a typical novel. What is classic is his characterisation and plotting with historical detail.

Maybe the trick is to read it as a periodical, in short bites leaving spaces for digestion. :)
Of Mice and Men was on the curriculum when I did English Lit., and yet we all managed to survive perfectly well without feeling the need to run crying to the press. These people need to STFU and stop being offended by literally everything and anything.
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Of Mice and Men was on the curriculum when I did English Lit., and yet we all managed to survive perfectly well without feeling the need to run crying to the press. These people need to STFU and stop being offended by literally everything and anything.
I hope you're including all the wet blanket evangelicals banning anything that is even slightly against their traditionalist views?
I'm offended by people being offended by things I don't find offensive.

CaN i hAz iNTerBoo fOr MOnEez tHxPLz
My daughter read the book in school as part of the curriculum. She said she really enjoyed it and wasnt focused on any racial slurs...
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