its crazy write off for a bonnet... lets just hope its a inexperienced call handler.
daughter had her car driven into at a junction, classic she went to pull out realised, oncoming vehicle so stopped, car behind didnt .
all on dashcam so no probs..... or so you think.
insurance company , tell her to take it to a bodyshop they check it over and then tell her they cant repair it, and to ring her insurance.
so she does they tell her its had a previous accident so there premier repair shops wont repair it she had to get local quotes.
i hpi ed the car before she purchased it so she told them it was clear then they start well its on our insurance records.
these are the records that the insurance company hold when a vehicle repairs a car and not available to joe public.
i know folk will say car verticle or the likes but hpi was always the bench mark. this has been ongoing for 3 months now .
so even when your car isnt written off it appears they can still refer to there records to find it repaired.
by the way insurance wasnt some obscure company but a supposed admirable company.....
oh and as a footnote the guy that drove into her isnt sending post back to his insurance so they wont proceed....