Borderlands 2 release date confirmed ( Launch trailer also )

It was good fun last night. I found out why we couldn't do Master Gee: that mission is only available once you kill Hyperius, and I only managed to kill him the other night, and hadn't accepted the mission.
Anyone still playing? Finally getting around to playing UVHM after 141 hours (I know, I got slightly addicted to farming legendaries at level 50 :eek:).

It's feeling pretty brutal with Zer0 so far but my ****ga and DP Unkempt Harold are keeping me going so far. Does anyone know what level the level 50 legendary weapons start getting outclassed by Golden Chest guns? Got loads of keys but don't want to waste them if they're not going to be very useful yet.
Anyone still playing? Finally getting around to playing UVHM after 141 hours (I know, I got slightly addicted to farming legendaries at level 50 :eek:).

It's feeling pretty brutal with Zer0 so far but my ****ga and DP Unkempt Harold are keeping me going so far. Does anyone know what level the level 50 legendary weapons start getting outclassed by Golden Chest guns? Got loads of keys but don't want to waste them if they're not going to be very useful yet.

DP Unkempt Harrold always a good choice.

my Zer0 sniper loadout :

- Bee (of course). Sometimes other shields, but primarily Bee.
- DP unkempt harold.
- Ladyfists (for those headshots).
- Maggie (like a shotgun).
- Purple Jakobs revolver, because they're fun.
- Sandhawks (really good on zero with bore, against big targets like Bunker, pretty much one shots him if lucky).
- Pimpernels (same usage as Sandhawks, AOE shield strippers, good with Bore).
- Lyuda (uses too much ammo for my taste).
- Purple Jakobs snipers still good (TumTum or Skookum), High rate of fire, decent ammo, big single target damage. Keys a good way to get them (good Jakobs guns in there).
- Torgue Shotgun, Ravager I think. It's OK.
- Skullmasher (it's OK, not the best but still fun). Skookum or TumTum.
- and a modded Hawkeye (to level 72), because it's just too much fun. High reward headshots.
- Buffalo and Cobra (recommend to mod it into the game, it's impossible to farm) fun too, not very effective.

With DP, Maggie, Sandhawks and Pimps, Bore is a must have skill.

Oh yeah, How did I forgot the Infinity pistol. Works best with sl4g, Bee, and some ROF acceleration. I had one for a while, good fun with super high rate of fire.

It's fun playing Zer0 sniper, especially in co-op.
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I haven't played Zero - I'm mainly on Salvador, and have a pistol build with Grog Nozzle and DPUH with Chaotic Evil Monk and a Kittenzerker Build with three Kittens (****, Corrosive, and Fire) or two SMGs. The Evolution and Neogenator shields are always good.
I haven't played Zero - I'm mainly on Salvador, and have a pistol build with Grog Nozzle and DPUH with Chaotic Evil Monk and a Kittenzerker Build with three Kittens (****, Corrosive, and Fire) or two SMGs. The Evolution and Neogenator shields are always good.

Salvador with Grog is just broken :) I sometimes play the tank role for the team with that setup. Ogre and Grog, that's my favorite 'fun' setup. Super OP too, Ogre hard to farm.
Thanks for the advice. I'm absolutely loving UVHM at the moment, beasting it with my level 50 ****ga and Maggie still which is OP as hell. About to start the Bunker mission at level 54. Definitely want to try sniper Zer0 at some point but will probably wait until i'm level 61.
Thanks for the advice. I'm absolutely loving UVHM at the moment, beasting it with my level 50 ****ga and Maggie still which is OP as hell.

There are a few alternatives to the slugga. Kitten (recommend the save trick to get one), sandhawk (same trick), ang pimpernel (I prefer them electric or corrosive). There is also the sl4g grenades from Tiny Tina DLC. Pretty good, and they regen (slowly). And a pearlescent Florentine, similar to the Chulainn without the downside. Not that good on anything other that sirens.

My favourite is the sandhawk, especially with bee, as you can also just it as primary. Sandhawk sl4g + sandhawk electric + DP + maggie is my brawl setup.

For OP 8, or even UVHM, the bee is too fragile usually unless sniping. Can't remember what other shield I used. Evolution I think. I exclusively play co-op with siren, so usually, sl4g and health regen not a problem. Bee and modded Hawkeye, sniper support, if you have a tank (Krieg, Necromancer or Gunzetker) with you.
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I doubt I'll get them for a while as I like doing the DLC after the main game. The sandhawk was great for me in TVHM but I replaced the Bee very early on in UVHM as it just didn't stand up well for Zer0 so the sandhawk, while still great (I have all element SHs), seems to be outclassed by Maggie in most situations.

I have a question about how 61-72+ works. Do you go through the game again as with UVHM or do enemies just continue to scale with you past 61?
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