Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault-hunter mode

Can’t believe how good this is on PC. Have played the PS4 version to death but the PhysX give it a whole new lease of life. All the little effects like sparks and burning flakes of ash are incredible. It’s a shame more games don’t have stuff like this.
I think they might tease Borderlands 3 at E3, maybe no gameplay but a trailer. And then instead say you can go get Borderlands 1 right now on PS4/Xbone.

I have a question - does anyone else find certain areas in B2 less appealing than others?

e.g. For me, I really find Lynchwood and the area leading up to the final area with all the Hyperion/constructor bots a bit of a chore.
After a 1000+ hours, I still enjoy this game.

Don't know what level you are or how far into the game you are, but you can go back and farm certain bosses for legendaries. Savage Lee(DPUH), Bol(Fastball), Knuckles(Hornet), loot midgets and tubbies can also drop Legs.

I'm on OCUK Discord a lot of the time and still play from time to time.
I'm not too bothered about farming oranges at this point. I'm just doing a trilogy playthrough 1 with no DLC. Then I'll go back and do playthrough 2 with the DLC. I've already got a few orange guns - a pistol that has 1 bullet loaded but has infinite ammo and never reloads. That's a great gun for backup but is now getting weak. And an orange SMG which you throw when you reload it and it explodes twice instead of the usual once.

Maya is kicking ass at the moment. The corrosive gas cloud is quite effective at killing the bandits so far but it means the goliaths aren't getting a chance to level up as they are nearly dead when I knock their heads off. They could be the best enemies in a game EVER. It's so much fun leading them around the map trying to get them to kill their chums. I've still not managed to get one up to GODliath status yet. Might have to respec and turn the acid cloud off which is a shame.
The big problem I have with the game is the need to go through it three times. With EVERY character. Look, once I've been through it once, let me start a new character at level 50 in UVHM. Or at least have the choice.

And then there are legendaries as mission rewards. Right now you don't dare do those missions unless you're maximum level. Absent save editors, of course.
I agree, and it's why I have no qualms with people using save editors to be honest. UVHM should have been released with the option to start a character from level 50 in UVHM with a few guns to get you started (S.L.A.G weapon and maybe some greens).
The only legendary reward I can think of is the Flame of the Firehawk Shield. The argument still does apply to those unique weapons though I guess, nobody wants a level 42 Sand Hawk :p.

Yes, that's the only one I know. Nearly finished my first playthrough now. Just got an orange shield which throws out little orbs that shock everything. It's complete bedlam.
Guys I've started as zero on first solo play through and I'm currently level 14.

I think I've picked a character that doesn't suit my play style, but can't be bothered starting a over again. Should I just cut my loses?
Guys I've started as zero on first solo play through and I'm currently level 14.

I think I've picked a character that doesn't suit my play style, but can't be bothered starting a over again. Should I just cut my loses?

who'd you pick?

some characters may need speccing just so before they become good, like gaige isn't all that great until you get the anarchy stacks then suddenly she and a torque shotgun become a laughing maelstrom of 1 shotting literally anything within a 3 foot radius.
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