How about setting all display settings to minimumYes, checking the files picks up one that's corrupt and replaces it but the issue recurs.
How about setting all display settings to minimumYes, checking the files picks up one that's corrupt and replaces it but the issue recurs.
How about setting all display settings to minimum
Can’t believe how good this is on PC.
OooooooooOOOOoooooooooooooh.And Borderlands 3 is going to be announced later this month.
And Borderlands 3 is going to be announced later this month.
Where have you heard this? It's definitely not going to be at E3 this year.
Legendaries as mission rewards? I’ve not seen any of them yet. Are they the DLC?
The Moxxi weapons, for instance.
The only legendary reward I can think of is the Flame of the Firehawk Shield. The argument still does apply to those unique weapons though I guess, nobody wants a level 42 Sand HawkLegendaries as mission rewards? I’ve not seen any of them yet. Are they the DLC?
The only legendary reward I can think of is the Flame of the Firehawk Shield. The argument still does apply to those unique weapons though I guess, nobody wants a level 42 Sand Hawk.
Guys I've started as zero on first solo play through and I'm currently level 14.
I think I've picked a character that doesn't suit my play style, but can't be bothered starting a over again. Should I just cut my loses?