Completely agree - works out the same for me most times too TBH.but i cant do squat for a week then goto find a buy for the q6. Arf!
Stuff like this never works out easy for me haha
haha its a bit bodged atm. psu above the dvd drive with the power wire sticking out the front
and i only have my crappy camera phone. I'll try
well the top io port cables etc are kind of in the way, but its defo sat comfy in there. Fits with my matx gigabyte board and 4870 1gb. Only problem is the psu cable is sticking out a drive bay hole haha I need one of those small 90 degree cables.
however its just temp placement untill I de rivet the hdd cage
wil ltake some pics now but if they suck ill take some i nthe daylight tomorrow